Video ~ 001.

Jan 21, 2011 23:53

[There is a soft crunch sound when the video flashes on. The device is facing up and what looks like a girl's ankle appears on screen once she removes her foot from on top of it.]

Eh? What's this thing? [She picks it up and an annoyed yet curious expression crosses her young face. She sniffs the device, then runs her tongue over it.]

BLECK! You don't taste good at all! [Or maybe this was just a shell of some sort? She puts the machine back in her mouth and chews on it until it starts to make some beeping noises.]

Hm? PLECK! [The girl spits it out and plops down on the ground.]

You're alive?! ...Oy, I'm talking to you! [She gives it a poke and another beep is heard.]

Alright then you stupid thing, listen up! I want to know where I am! How do I get out of here! And where my manservant is and I want those answers now! [Her stomach gives a grumble in the brief moment of silence.]

I also want to know where the food is in this damn place. I'm really hungry! [The chain stares down at it and waits for an answer... and waits... and now she's really angry.]

... Are you listening to me?! Hey! HEY! ...You useless trash! ANSWER ME RIGHT NOW!

[She growls and stands up to tower over her "victim".] FINE! If you wont talk, then I'll MAKE YOU SCREAM!

[The last thing seen is her foot slamming down before the feed cuts off.]

[doctor who] eleventh doctor, [pandora hearts] alice, [xxxholic] kimihiro watanuki, [earl cain saga] mary weather hargreaves, intro, [death note] mello, [axis powers hetalia] america, [pandora hearts] xerxes break, [kuroshitsuji ii] alois trancy, [supernatural] dean winchester

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