Там по ссылке, что я дал, внизу PDF с хорошей статьей по поводу этого витража: Hayward J. Stained-Glass Windows from the Carmelite Church at Boppard-am Rhein: A Recontruction of the Glazing Program of the North Nave // Metropolitan Museum Journal, Vol. 2 (1969).
В ней поясняется, что это такое (С. 98): On the lower level are three of the capital virgin saints of the Christian Church: Catherine with her attributes of the sword and the wheel <...> Beneath the figure of St. Catherine are the arms of the coopers' guild, of which she was patron.
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Hayward J. Stained-Glass Windows from the Carmelite Church at Boppard-am Rhein: A Recontruction of the Glazing Program of the North Nave // Metropolitan Museum Journal, Vol. 2 (1969).
В ней поясняется, что это такое (С. 98):
On the lower level are three of the capital virgin saints of the Christian Church: Catherine with her attributes of the sword and the wheel <...> Beneath the figure of St. Catherine are the arms of the coopers' guild, of which she was patron.
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