30 Day Harry Potter Meme:
Day 2 Your fave movie:
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I think I'd have to say, the Sorcerer's Stone. I absolutely love both of the Chris Columbus movies because they're so true to the book. Also, everything in those two movies are just exactly how I imagine Hogwarts would be. I think I particularly like SS because watching it was the first HP experience I had in my life.
Day 1 Your fave book: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Day 2 Your fave movie: Sorcerer's Stone
Day 3 Is there any of the films adaptations that have made you angry because they’ve ignored important parts of the book.
Day 4 Least fave female character and why.
Day 5 Fave male character and why.
Day 6 What house would you want to be in.
Day 7 Fave female character and why.
Day 8 What do you think would be your fave lesson.
Day 9 Least fave male character.
Day 10 Horcruxes or Hallows.
Day 11 What character would you say you are most like.
Day 12 Fave ship.
Day 13 Least fave movie.
Day 14 Team Voldermort or Team harry.
Day 15 Who would be your best friends at hogwarts. (three only)
Day 17 Are you excited about The Deathly Hallows movie or scared it won’t do the book justice.
Day 18 Least fave book.
Day 19 Do you prefer the books or films.
Day 20 If you had to meet one member of the cast, who would it be.
Day 21 Out of all the characters that died, if you could bring one back, who would it be.
Day 22 Harry Potter or Twilight
Day 23 Any part of the books/movies that makes you cry.
Day 24 Any particular scene you wished would have been put in the movie but it wasn’t.
Day 25 Nineteen years later. Are you happy how it turned out, or do you wish something was different, ie Neville married Luna.
Day 26 If you could be able to work one spell without a wand what would it be.
Day 27 Would you rather own The Invisibility Cloak, The Resurrection Stone or The Elder Wand.
Day 28 Do you listen to Wizard Wrock, what do you think about it.
Day 29 Did you enjoy A Very Potter Musical.
Day 30 What affect has Harry Potter made on your life and how much does it mean to you
30 Day MCR Meme
Day 2 - How did you start listening to MCR?
Um, I guess the same way I started listening to most other ways: through the radio, MTV, and Quizilla. I don't really remember when I first started listening to MCR but it was after
Helena came out, because I started reading fanfic about the band before Ghost of You came out. I remember I didn't like MCR the first time I ever heard them. I was honestly scared of Gerard in the I'm Not Okay video. But then, after all the hype they were getting, I actually listened to their music and well, fell in love.
Day 1 -
Why do you love MCR? Day 2 - How did you start listening to MCR?
Day 3 - Have you ever seen MCR live? If so, describe the concert
Day 4 - Favourite song from I Brought You My Bullets.. and why?
Day 5 - Favourite song from Three Cheers.. and why?
Day 6 -Favourite song from The Black Parade and why?
Day 7 -Favourite scene from TBPID?
Day 8 -Favourite scene from Life on the Murder Scene?
Day 9 -Favourite picture of MCR
Day 10 -Favourite member of MCR?
Day 11 -Old MCR or new MCR?
Day 12 -Who would you choose to replace Bob Bryar?
Day 13-Which song would you like MCR to make a music video for?
Day 14 -Favourite MCR music video?
Day 15-How excited are you for MCR’s new album?
Day 16-If you could say anything to a member of MCR, what would you say and who would it be to?
Day 17-A picture of Gerard
Day 18-Favourite lyric(s)
Day 19 -A picture of Frank
Day 20-Favourite live performance
Day 21-Favourite interview with any member of the band
Day 22-A picture of Ray
Day 23-A picture of Mikey
Day 24-Say something to Bob
Day 25 -A piece of merchandise you own
Day 26 -A picture of MCR together
Day 27-Favourite quote from your favourite member
Day 28 -What would you do if you could spend a day with the band?
Day 29-Favourite Tweet from your favourite member
Day 30-Write a letter to the band
Yay for memes! I have to go shower now. Goodbye!