Oh, Misfits. Not sure how I feel about Nathan being replaced by a suspiciously similar substitute, although, I really like the actor, and Alisha/Simon still bore me half to death, but do love the new powers. I'm hopeful though that the big problem of last season (the side-lining of Kelly and Curtis) will not occur this season.
Is it me, or has
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Comments 9
I've noticed Britta get dumbed down too, and it does irk me, but I don't think that problem is new, and on the other hand I think Gillian makes up for it with a great performance and they are getting back on track, given that mispronunciation aside last episode, she was right and she was effective. Hopefully they continue to get back on track because she can't be all ineptitude all the time, it's just painful. Britta's persistent good intentions have never stopped making my heart swell with adoration.
Britta being occasionally written as dumb goes all the way back to the first season. I really don't think we've had any more of it this season than past seasons. But from her pretty onto it observations on Jeff in Chaos Theory, and being, again, pretty onto it with her observations on both Jeff and Pierce in the latest episode, she's had quite a few opportunities to show she can on occasion be pretty smart.
I feel like it started moreso in s2. She could be inappropriate or confused in s1, but it wasn't exaggerated as much.
But I mostly commented because: yay, another Sybil/Branson shipper! Love them, love the chemistry, love the class differences. I'm choosing to believe that they have all sorts of fascinating conversations in the garage, but they're only showing us the couple of times Branson was sort of weird and pushy. There's been a little too much of him badgering her to leave with him. But every couple in this show seems to be stuck on repeat; Anna/Bates talk about how they'll be together soon, O'Brien and Thomas scheme, lather, rinse, repeat.
Honestly, I would ship it just for the pretty. I'm mesmerized by Sybil's beauty, and everyone loves a hot Irishman.
I may take up your idea and choose to believe that they spend hours discussing politics, social reform and just how their days went in the garage together. That was what made it so wonderful in the first season, that they bonded and became friends over discussions of women's rights. I've really missed that this season.
See, I knew Matthew wasn't really going to be disabled, so I wasn't surprised when he recovered. I actually thought having him talk about his legs tingling was more set-up than a lot of movies/shows would have had. Baby steps! Agree with you re: Sybil/Branson 100%.
I feel like a Nathan-type character is really needed for the Misfits cast, since the rest are pretty serious, but at the same time, it feels like they went OH NO SHEEHAN IS GOING, WE'D BETTER FIND SOMEONE TO BE JUST LIKE HIM. Although I like the new guy's better half.
I hope we see a lot of the new guy's better half. The scene in which he confessed how Alisha had broken his heart made me really love the actor, and was very different from anything we had from Nathan. His other half, I could pass on.
Yeah, the regular half is just kind of annoying. At least Nathan was kind of cute despite himself, this one I'm just ... meh. Better Half needs to be in the next episodes more, I think!
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