This is the second of a three-part presentation of Lórien scenes. Screencaps follow a brief discussion, plus a copy of the dialogue for the film scene.
The series of caps below comes from the Extended Edition of FotR, occurring after Frodo hears Galadriel’s voice and the Company is intercepted by Elves, but before they are seen entering Caras Galadhon, climbing the stairs to be presented to Galadriel and Celeborn.
This restored segment does several things I like, the primary thing being the extending of time and space. In the theatrical version, the Fellowship is accosted in the afternoon, and, since it is night in the scenes with Galadriel, they appear to reach Caras Galadhon on the evening of the same day.
In the EE, the daytime scene in which the Elves hold them at arrow-point is followed by a night scene (caps below), in which Aragorn begs for sanctuary in Lórien. While it is still night, Haldir orders them to follow him. Shots of the Fellowship following Haldir through sun-lit woods come next. They reach an opening on a hill, where they are shown a distant view of Caras Galadhon, bathed in sunlight. While the EE scene does not convey the days and distance travelled in the book, it does give viewers the sense that it takes longer to get to the heart of Lórien than an afternoon’s march.
They march that distance in silence, looking about them as they walk along, but Frodo looks extremely tired, even despondent. In fact, he looks more weary and dispirited than at any other time in the trilogy, except perhaps on the plains of Gorgoroth.
It is in this sequence, this little glimpse of tired-to-the-bone Frodo, that I see a reference to the excerpt I quoted in the “Mithril shirt” post. In that passage, Tolkien related Frodo’s silent suffering after Moria: exhausted and in pain from untreated wounds to body and heart, he and Sam struggle to keep up with the Company as they press on. Every time, this tiny bit of footage brings tears to my eyes.
Back to the night scene in which Aragorn and Haldir argue (Gimli unable to suppress his little insult), it shows Frodo catching sidelong looks from his companions, looks which seem wary, even judging: as if they, too, might be saying in their hearts, “You bring great evil with you-to us-Ringbearer.” Frodo looks too tired to resist the subtle waves of negativity, real or imagined.
I think it’s an inspired turn on the part of the writers to let Boromir be the one who notices and offers consolation. Echoing his remark at the Council (“You carry the fate of us all, little one”), Boromir speaks to Frodo and comes to sit by him in his isolation. Is it just the Ring drawing Boromir? It could be; his desire to use the Ring for Gondor has been made plain almost from his first appearance on screen. And the set-up-Boromir coming to Frodo when he is distressed and isolated to offer comfort and advice-foreshadows the one in the woods of Amon Hen. Yet I don’t think this scene is played that way. It’s played as though Boromir truly feels for Frodo, not that he’s just softening him up, hoping to persuade Frodo out of the Ring later. Not only does this show of compassion from Boromir make for a nice little scene in the EE, it makes the scene to come, of Boromir's attack upon Frodo on Amon Hen, that much the greater and more tragic. If only for that reason, I’m very sorry this scene did not make the theatrical cut.
As for Haldir’s line as he points to Caras Galadhon, well, it’s not that Craig Parker is terrible as Haldir, he’s not. He has some very good moments. His scenes in TTT are all excellent. But the way he is directed to say this line: the swell of music under it, the beatific smile bordering on the goofy: it makes me laugh. Laughing is good, but not if it is at the expense of the quality of the film and the fine scene that came before it. If that moment hadn’t made the theatrical edition (or the EE), I would not been grieved.
Film Scene from the EE: Haldir is persuaded to let the Fellowship enter Lórien.
Screenplay transcriptions from
The Seat of Kings and
Daniel's LotR Page.
In the trees, at night:
Haldir: Mae govannen, Legolas Thanduilion. [Translation: “Welcome, Legolas, son of Thranduil.”]
Legolas: Govannas vîn gwennen le, Haldir o Lórien. [Translation: "Our Fellowship stands in your debt, Haldir of Lorien."]
Haldir: A Aragorn in Dúnedain istannen le ammen. [Translation: "Aragorn of the Dunedain. You are known to us."]
Aragorn: Hennaid. [Translation: “Thank you.”]
Gimli: So much for the legendary courtesy of the Elves! Speak words we can all understand!
Haldir: We have not had dealings with the Dwarves since the Dark Days.
Gimli And you know what this Dwarf says to that? Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul, in khuzdûl! [Translation: A plague upon your necks!]
Aragorn: [To Gimli] That was not so courteous.
Haldir: [To Frodo] You bring great evil with you. [To Aragorn] You can go no further.
While the arguing goes on, the other members of the Fellowship variously turn to look at Frodo:
Aragorn: Boe ammen veriad lîn! Andelu i ven. Merin le telim. Henio, aníron boe ammen i dulu lîn! [Translation: We need your protection! The road is dangerous. I wish we could depend on you. Understand, we need your support!]
Boromir: [To Frodo] Gandalf’s death was not in vain. Nor would he have you give up hope. You carry a heavy burden, Frodo. Don’t carry the weight of the dead.
Haldir: [To Frodo and the Company] You will follow me.
Daylight. The company is led through woods by Haldir, who suddenly stops at the top of a hill and smiles, looking out onto the Elf city in the trees, on top of another hill:
Haldir: [With light in his eyes] Caras Galadhon, the heart of Elvendom on earth, realm of the Lord Celeborn and of Galadriel, Lady of Light.
As usual, the screencaps have been cropped and adjusted for brightness, contrast and focus.
~ Haldir tells the Fellowship it can go no further:
~ Boromir offers Frodo consolation:
~ Frodo trudges through the woods of Lórien:
~ Mechtild
Recent Screencap Entries:
Lothlórien Pt. 1: "The Voice of Galadriel", plus reflection on Frodo’s heightened powers of perception.
Links to all other LotR screencaps: