Since starting a tumblr for EW, I've discovered that there's a trend in nature photos to take the coloring and ramp it up way beyond anything resembling realistic. (Here I go pretending to be an art critic again). Playing with your shot to make it look like you had better light than you actually did, okay. Making the flowers in that meadow
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Some of the nature pics I've seen on tumblr are pretty over the top in their *amazing colors*; so I totally agree with you. I prefer the more realistic pictures too.
I know what you mean about the pics.. Come on folks.. Nature means natural. duh... Same as I like listening to records cuz I like the scratchy-ness realness of it.
Kids LOVE to scream.. I think it is like an energy release... Like when you do karate they do that grunt.. or when you lift weights the whole exhale when lifting... It drives me nuts but honestly, sometimes I wish I could scream like that, without being locked up for insanity that is.
Comments 2
Kids LOVE to scream.. I think it is like an energy release... Like when you do karate they do that grunt.. or when you lift weights the whole exhale when lifting... It drives me nuts but honestly, sometimes I wish I could scream like that, without being locked up for insanity that is.
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