Consult (Prologue)

Jul 13, 2010 20:55

Title: Consult (Prologue)
Summary: AU - When a pregnant Lily falls down the stairs and lands in a coma, Bob Hughes calls in an expert.
Disclaimer: Clearly not mine.
Spoilers: Nothing major. Mostly set during past episodes, might be references to future ones later.
Rating: R-ish, probably
A/N: I’ve only seen the Luke-centric scenes from this time period so I definitely won’t have all the characterization and subplots accurate. If something is off, blame it on that or the fact that this is an AU!

Luke sat alone in the hospital waiting room, staring at the floor. His dad hadn’t wanted him to come with them for the tests, and frankly he couldn’t blame him. The last few hours kept flashing before his eyes over and over again. How could he - why had he…it was all so crazy. He hadn’t meant to. He would never hurt his mother. He loved her. He had been upset, surely, and they were arguing, but…

In his mind’s eye, he watched her tumble down the stairs again and again. Luke tried to remember the details - had he pushed her? No, no. He would never. She had reached out for him, he had blocked her, forced her hand away and - and she lost her balance. There was nothing he could do. Nothing.

The last few days had been so awful, with his mother constantly fighting him about being gay. It wasn’t a phase; he wasn’t confused. For the first time in his life, he was sure of who he was and what he wanted. And his dad had supported him, until now - now he could barely look at him. And Luke was still unsure about Damian; he thought he could trust him, thought he was on Luke’s side, but Holden was so adamantly against him so maybe there was something... But clearly his dad could be blinded by things. He wasn’t always on Luke’s side either, and why should he be? Luke knew, deep down, that he wasn’t really Holden’s son. That something would change someday. He thought the gay thing could have been it, but then it wasn’t. And Luke was so relieved. But now his dad wouldn’t even let him explain, was trying to keep him away from his mother.

His mother. His mother who was supposed to love him no matter what, and instead was planning on sending him away to be brainwashed. To be deprogrammed. To be scared straight. She had turned her back on him, had abandoned him. And yet Luke still loved her. He’d always love her. He’d never hurt her, but everyone would think…it seemed so obvious that of course the emotionally confused young boy would strike out, would watch his pregnant mother fall down the stairs and do nothing to stop it. Maybe even cause the supposed accident in the first place. And she might never wake up. And the baby might -

Luke buried his face in his palms, scrubbing hard. He tried to shut his brain up, to clear it as best he could, but nothing was working. The spiral of thoughts and worries just spun in ever-tighter coils in his brain. Luke didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know if there was even anything he could do. Why would anyone trust him now? Why would they want his help or even bother listening to him?

Luke pulled his feet onto the plastic chair, wrapping his arms around his knees and resting his forehead against them. He didn’t know how long he sat there, trying to ignore the thoughts in his head. Trying not to cry. Trying to pray or bargain or think of something that would save his mother and sibling. Luke hated being so powerless. He vowed to himself that he would never sit useless like this again, unable to do anything. He would move mountains, he would bribe and blackmail and do whatever it took to help someone he loved.

Suddenly someone sat next to him, and Luke jerked his head up.

“Dr. Hughes,” he said softly but urgently. “Is everything OK? Is my mom - ”

“No change, unfortunately,” Bob said. “We’re doing some tests, and we’ll know more then. I’m more worried about you.”

“Me? I’m fine,” Luke said, looking away again. “I wasn’t hurt.”

“Not physically, no,” Bob said. “But it’s been a long, stressful night for you. Maybe you should go home and get some - ”

“I can’t leave,” Luke interrupted quickly. “I can’t leave her, not until I know.”

Bob nodded, staring straight ahead. Luke didn’t say anything, but his rapidly tapping foot revealed his nerves.

After a few minutes, Bob added softly, “Your dad’s just worried and scared right now, so he’s taking it out on you. But this wasn’t your fault. Accidents happen.”

“You weren’t there,” Luke replied quietly. “You don’t know.”

“No, but I know you. And there’s nothing your mother could say or do that would ever make you hurt her.”

“She was sending me away. To fix me,” Luke whispered.

Bob patted his knee. “There’s nothing to fix.”

And that was the very thing Luke needed someone to say at that moment. Luke choked back a small noise. “I was so…so hurt. And scared. And angry.”

“This wasn’t your fault, Luke,” Bob repeated.


Part of Luke was still tempted to accept Damian’s invitation that night. But he didn’t. He went home, where he belonged. His dad was staying overnight at the hospital, but he had kicked Luke out. Not in so many words, of course, but Luke knew that’s what his dad meant. He opened the door quietly, knowing the girls must be asleep. He was right. Only his grandma was downstairs, sitting on the couch and not really reading the book in front of her.

“Grandma,” Luke said softly.

Emma started, looking up at him in surprise. She walked over quickly, pulling Luke into a tight hug.

“Oh my sweet boy,” she said in his ear. Backing away slightly, she left her hands on his shoulders as she asked, “Your mama?”

Luke shook his head. “It’s bad,” he said. “Really bad.”

Emma raised one hand to her face, wiping at the tears in her eyes. “She’ll be OK. I know she will. And she’ll be home soon.”

Luke nodded, trying to believe her.


It had been almost two weeks since the fall. The baby was stable and developing as expected; Lily showed no change. Holden was still barely talking to Luke, and Damian’s place was looking more and more welcoming. For the moment, however, Luke, Lucinda and Holden were sitting in Bob's office, along with the head of the neurology department.

“I’m afraid,” Dr. Roberts was saying, “at this stage, I’m running out of options. We’ve tried different treatments, but her best chance is to operate. We can put it off a few weeks, in the hopes of giving the baby more time, provided Lily shows no further deterioration.”

“And the operation?” Holden asked.

“With this kind of injury and considering Lily’s current condition, it could be very tricky. You’d want the best of the best, and when it comes to these types of situations, that’s a young guy out of Texas. Barely finished medical school, but he’s already made a name for himself with some cutting-edge procedures.”

“We’ve already put a call into his office,” Bob added. “And faxed Lily’s records to him. We expect to hear from him soon.”

“Who is this doctor?” Lucinda asked. “I want to investigate him for myself.”

Bob reached forward, grabbing a Post-It on the corner of his desk. He turned it around so he could read aloud, “Reid Oliver.”


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