Fabrication (19/27)

Aug 11, 2010 08:12

“Sorry, I - ” Luke began, unsure what he did wrong.

“No,” Reid said, glancing over Luke’s shoulder again. Luke turned, but the only thing he saw was Dr. Bob talking to someone halfway down the hall. “I just - not here, OK?”

Luke laughed, pained. “What? You don’t want anyone to know that we’re…about us?”

“I just like to keep my personal and professional lives separate.”

“Clearly. You’re really good at it, by the way.”

Reid looked up at him, furrowing his brow in surprise.

“What does that mean?”

Luke shrugged. He crossed his arms and swayed back and forth where he stood. “I mean you didn’t even tell me you had a surgery tomorrow. It’s only the whole reason you’re in town to begin with, and oh yeah, he’s one of my best friends.”

Reid looked to the side, clearly taken aback by Luke’s anger. “So why didn’t he tell you? I can’t discuss my patients with you. Ever hear of doctor-patient privilege? You of all people should know I take professional ethics seriously.”

“Don’t worry, Dr. Oliver,” Luke said coldly. “I’m more than aware that your career is your first priority.”

He turned quickly and walked away. Reid watched after him, surprised and more than a little annoyed by his attitude.


Luke spent the evening stretched out on the living room couch. He found it rather hard to believe that, after the amazing sex the previous night and his giddy mood this morning, the rest of the day would suck so badly. Well, maybe it wasn’t so hard to believe. When was he ever allowed to be happy for more than 24 hours? Luke sighed, wrapping his arms around his stomach. Suddenly, a pen hit him on the shoulder and bounced off, clattering to the ground.

Luke turned his head and glared at Casey. Casey had a textbook next to him and his computer on his lap, but Luke knew he was really talking with Maddie, who had gone back to school.

“What did you do that for?” he grumbled.

“Your moping is annoying me. And Maddie, hundreds of miles away.”

“So sorry,” Luke replied insincerely.

“Maddie says you should call him.”


Casey didn’t dignify that with a response.

“What difference does it make?” Luke asked quietly. “He’s going to do Noah’s surgery, and then he’s going to go home.”

“Has he said that?”

“He doesn’t need to.”

“Have you asked him?”

Luke sighed loudly. “You know, I don’t need relationship advice from you. Maddie was here for two weeks, and you’ve talked online with her every single day since she went back to school, and you still haven’t told her you want to get back together.”

“Oh my God,” Casey said, laughing in disbelief. “I have never seen you like this before. If this is how you handle ‘casual sex,’ I feel sorry for anyone you actually have a relationship with.”

“Shut up,” Luke muttered.

Casey typed something quickly, then shut his laptop. “I cannot deal with the pity party. Come on, we’re going out for pizza.”

He walked over to the couch, reached down to grab Luke’s hand and pulled him up to his feet.


This was not good. This was not good. Reid had a very standardized ritual that he needed to follow pre-surgery. Emergencies couldn’t be avoided, of course, but whenever possible, he required a steak dinner, a crappy TV movie and bed by 10:30. In the morning, he had coffee, black, and a bagel. Then he’d review the patient charts, and then he’d sit quietly alone, mentally reviewing and preparing.

And this time, his whole routine was shot. Because he kept thinking of Luke. Spending time with him. Kissing him. The way Luke had trembled after he came at the Lakeview. His stubbornness. The time Luke had come to him, way back when, and attempted to seduce him. The evening they had sat next to each other on the couch in Lucinda’s guest house, talking quietly. The way Luke had looked at him just the previous day, angry and hurt and accusing.

Reid would try and try to suppress these thoughts, to bring up the necessary considerations and concerns for Noah Mayer’s surgery. He couldn’t afford to be so distracted. And then minutes later, Luke’s face or voice would seep back into his consciousness. This - this is why he didn’t do relationships.

Reid inhaled, drawing upon the single-minded focus that got him to where he was today. He buried all thoughts of Luke, and he exhaled. Then he once again began going through the steps of the surgery in his head.


Luke stretched out on the hospital bed next to Noah. He was pretending to be in good spirits, for his friend’s sake. They were chatting quietly, alone in the room since Richard had gone to call his parents with an update. Luke held a video camera in his hand, documenting everything for Noah to see later.

“So, Mr. Mayer. You’re about to get your sight back. What’s the first thing you’ll do?” Luke boomed in a TV announcer voice.

“Go to Disney World,” Noah replied immediately, smiling lightly.

“An excellent choice,” Luke responded.

They were silent for a moment, and Luke stopped recording. He lowered the camera to his lap and looked at Noah.

“You nervous?” he asked softly.

Noah shrugged, then laughed quickly. “No reason to be. Your boyfriend is the best.”

Luke groaned, leaning his head back against the bed. “He is not my - ”

The door opened and the man in question walked in. He glanced at Luke and gave him a small smile. Luke blinked and stood up. Richard walked in right behind him, stepping around Reid to reach Noah’s side.

“Well, Noah. How are you today?”

“Ready to do this!”

Reid smiled. “OK. But just remember, this isn’t the end. There’s still a long way to go, and it’s going to be frustrating. Be prepared for lots of follow-up therapy.”

“You know how to kill the mood,” Noah joked.

“The follow-up,” Richard interrupted. “Are you going to do that, or I mean…what happens when you go back to Texas?”

Luke wasn’t sure if Reid looked at him then or not. He found he couldn’t meet Reid’s eyes, so he stared at the ground instead.

“Dr. Roberts and his staff will take over any patient care I have here,” Reid said, his voice sounding steady and professional. Luke tried to swallow around the sudden lump in his throat.

The door opened again before anyone could continue the conversation. Three new people joined them, Alison with a wheelchair, and Luke’s parents.

“Ah, Dr. Oliver!” Lily exclaimed. “We finally cross paths.”

Luke looked up, watching as Reid shook hands with his parents. “Lily, how are you?”

“Great, thank you. And thanks to you! I’m so happy you’re here for Noah.”

“Speaking of which…”

“Alison,” Luke supplied softly. Everyone turned to look at him, and Luke blushed. Maybe he shouldn’t be filling in Reid’s sentences for him.

“Alison, you’re here to take Noah to the OR?” Reid continued, pretending nothing was awkward.

“Yes, Dr. Oliver. Noah, you ready?”

Noah nodded, standing up with Richard’s help. Richard guided Noah to the wheelchair, and everyone watched as he sat down. Luke followed behind the other two, ultimately standing near his parents. Reid stepped out of the way, allowing Alison, Noah and Richard to pass through the door. Then he started walking.

“Good luck,” Luke said softly.

Reid glanced at him. And then he left the room.


“Here you go,” Holden said softly, handing Lily a cup of coffee as he sat next to her.

Lily had lost track of how many hours they’d been waiting and how much coffee she had drunk. She had read every outdated magazine in the room, stared blindly up at the TV for a while half-watching some implausibly dramatic daytime show, fretted over Luke and Richard, called Emma to check on the kids after they were done with school, and tried to be polite to Molly when she came in on her lunch break to say hello to Holden. Lily sighed. This day was taking forever.

And then it was all over. A clearly exhausted Dr. Oliver walked into the room and headed straight for the corner where Richard and Luke were playing two-person versions of card games. Both boys stood up, looking at the doctor in worried expectation. Lily and Holden also stood, stepping closer but staying mostly out of the way. Dr. Oliver nodded.

“It went well,” he reassured Richard. “There were a few moments of excitement here and there, but nothing to worry about. By AMA standards, the surgery is already a success. We’ll know more when he wakes up in a few hours.”

Lily put a hand to her heart, exhaling sharply in relief. Holden stood behind her, his hands on her shoulders. They both watched as Dr. Oliver shook hands with Richard and then turned to Luke and placed a hand to his elbow. Luke smiled quickly at Dr. Oliver, bowing his head slightly and looking up at him. The older man stepped away, and as he turned, he nodded at Lily and Holden in acknowledgement.

After a few moments, Luke excused himself and left the waiting room, turning in the same direction the doctor had. Lily quickly furrowed her brow, then twisted around to look at Holden. He was staring after their son, his expression unreadable.


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