Fabrication (10/27)

Aug 03, 2010 10:13

To say the flight home was uncomfortable was an understatement. Luke’s main goal was to limit the amount of time they spent alone together. The hotel was closer to the airport than Reid’s place was, so he had their driver pick up Reid first. Luke climbed into the car, and they proceeded to stare out the opposite windows until they arrived at the airport.

There were fewer opportunities to avoid each other on the plane. The passenger section was one large space, and they were stuck belted into seats near each other until the pilot told them otherwise. Luke sighed, his foot tapping rapidly.

Mostly, he just wanted to forget it ever happened, to go back to how things were. Their situation before Dallas wasn’t ideal, but it wasn’t this complicated, at least. What they were to each other was…understood, more or less. But a part of him (a big part) wanted to tell Reid the truth about Casey, wanted to kiss him again to see what happened. But honestly, the other side of him chimed into the argument again, what did he really think would happen if he told Reid he had made it all up?

The fantasy scenario would be an understanding-yet-cocky Reid. Perhaps he’d get a little teasing before Reid offered to induct him into the mile-high club. But Luke wasn’t delusional. The real result of any confession would just be Reid realizing how immature Luke still was.

“Stop fidgeting, please,” Reid’s voice was loud and unexpected. Luke jumped in his seat.

He looked at Reid. “I - ”

“Relax,” Reid said with an awkward smile. “I’m not going to tell him or anything. What happens in Dallas, stays in Dallas. And besides, it was just a kiss.”

“It was more than a kiss,” Luke pointed out quietly.

“Just let it go, Luke. It won’t happen again, I promise.”

Luke opened his mouth, prepared to confess everything. But the words wouldn’t come.

“I haven’t thanked you yet. I know you didn’t do it for me, but it means a lot,” Reid said, changing the subject.

Luke looked down at his lap. “It was - you’re welcome.”

Reid laughed uncomfortably. “You never told me how you did it. Threats? Blackmail? Or just plain and simple bribery?”

Luke scoffed, shaking his head as he looked away. “I’m not that bad. I just kept calling until I wore them down.”

“Nagging,” Reid said, nodding. “Not very Luciano Grimaldi of you, but it worked.”

“Don’t call me that,” Luke said quickly.

Reid turned to look at him, the teasing smile on his face fading. “It was just a joke.”

“I don’t care; don’t call me that.”

Reid furrowed his brow. “Sorry,” he apologized sincerely.

Luke didn’t reply, and they sat silently for several minutes. Finally, Luke said softly, “It’s the worst part of me. You have no idea how selfish and destructive I can be. My mom basically sold herself to get me a new kidney because I couldn’t control myself, and I still kept drinking after that. I’ve - I’ve…every truly awful thing I’ve done in my life I did when I let the Grimaldi side of me out.”

Reid watched him carefully. “You describe it like there’s some kind of Jekyll and Hyde thing inside you.”

Luke shrugged. “It feels that way sometimes.” Then he laughed humorlessly. “That makes me sound crazy.”

Reid was silent for a long time. “No,” he then said. “It makes you sound human.”

Luke stared at him.

“Genes alone don’t determine who we are, Luke. We’re not destined to turn out just like our parents.” Reid smiled as he added, “Thank God.”


Casey started the moving-in process while Luke was out of town, so Luke went straight to the apartment. He didn’t have a key yet, so he leaned on the doorbell until Casey buzzed him in.

“OK, God!” he heard through the intercom as he pulled the door open.

Luke trudged up the stairs and opened the front door to the apartment. There were a bunch of boxes on the floor, but no furniture yet. Casey had hooked up the TV, though (“Priorities, Luke!”), and he and Maddie were sitting cross-legged on the floor, eating pizza and watching a movie. Luke walked over to them and let himself fall to the ground.

“Well?” Casey demanded.

“What?” Luke groaned.

Casey gestured wildly. “Did you cheat on me?”

Luke sighed loudly. “We made out,” he muttered.

Maddie squealed, clapping her hands in delight.

“You bastard,” Casey teased.

“More! More, tell us more,” Maddie said.

“There is nothing more. Nothing happened,” Luke said with a sigh. He pulled himself back up into a sitting position and reached out for a slice of pizza.

“Seriously?” Casey asked.

“Seriously,” Luke confirmed.

“Dude. You suck at this.”


Reid let himself into Katie’s apartment, moving quietly in case Jacob was asleep. He wasn’t. He was sitting on Katie’s lap, sucking furiously from a bottle. Katie angled her head to look up at him.


Reid nodded a greeting.

“I am so glad everything went well,” Katie said.

Reid dropped his luggage on the floor and sat on the couch next to her. He kicked his feet out in front of him, closed his eyes and sighed.

“I wasn’t really worried.”

“Yes, you were.”

Reid didn’t reply.

“So…how was the rest of the trip?”

Reid turned towards her and opened one eye. “What do you mean?”

Katie lifted an eyebrow, and Reid groaned.

“You need a life.”

Katie laughed. “Well, until I get one, let me live vicariously through you. So? Did you and my cousin-in-law get a little frisky?”

“Katie!” Reid objected. He stood up and walked to the fridge for a beer. Taking a sip, he turned to face her. “If nothing else, he has a boyfriend.”

“What? Since when?”

Reid gestured. “I have no idea!”

Katie stared at him, a look of bewilderment on her face. “What?” she repeated.

Reid rolled his eyes. “Casey Hughes. They’re moving in together.”

Katie burst into laughter. Jacob jumped, twisting up and back to stare at his mother. Once she finally regained her composure, Katie asked, “Where did you get the idea that they were together? Casey’s not even gay.”

Reid shook his head, taking another sip. “I would have thought that your gaydar would have improved somewhat over the years.”

Katie glared at him. “Reid, Casey Hughes is my nephew. Trust me. He’s as straight as a…very straight thing. They are two young men sharing their first apartment. It’s a two-bedroom! You jumped to conclusions.”

Reid spluttered for a second. “Are you serious?”


“I didn’t jump anywhere,” Reid argued. “He told me they - ”

Katie shook her head quickly. “Who told you?”


Katie nodded, a smile growing on her face. She stood, repositioning Jacob as she started to walk towards the nursery. “Ah,” she said.

“What does that mean?” Reid called after her.

“You’re such an idiot, sometimes.”


“Milkshake junkie,” Luke said in his grandmother’s ear.

She jumped, turning around in her seat, one hand to her heart. “Darling! You should know better than to sneak up on an old woman like that.”

Luke slid into the booth seat across from her. “You’re not old, Grandmother.”

Lucinda laughed, in that way she had where everyone in the vicinity turned to look. Luke smiled; he was used to it by now.

“So,” Lucinda said, leaning across the table. “You’re back from your trip. Everything went well for Dr. Oliver?”

Luke nodded. “Yes.”

“And? Is there anything else you want to tell me?” Lucinda asked.

Luke felt like he was six years old, and Lucinda had just caught him misbehaving. “No,” he said quickly.


Luke shrugged, feeling awkward. “What?”

Lucinda shook her head. “Nothing.”

Grandmother and grandson were quiet for a long beat, and then Luke leaned forward, crossing his arms on the table. “I was wondering something. And this - ” he made a face as he waved his hand, “this has nothing to do with Dr. Oliver or the trip or anything, but I was just wondering…do the ends always justify the means?”

“Never, darling. But as long as you get the end you want, who cares? Why do you ask?”

“I’m lying to someone who’s always been…painfully honest with me. And I’m using a friend to do it. And I feel really guilty about it.”

“What is the end you’re aiming for here?”

Luke laughed in self-deprecation. “I don’t even know!”

Lucinda gestured in a wide circle, bracelets clinking. “This is…a man, yes? You have feelings for him?”

Luke looked down at the table and nodded quickly. “I never thought I’d be like this with someone I cared about. I want to tell the truth, and just let things fall where they will, but it’s gone on too long now, and…well. It’s not like I have any experience in how to deal with a real, long-term relationship anyway. Or fantastic role models, let’s be honest. I just can’t believe I’m blowing it. I’ve,” Luke laughed bitterly, “I’ve waited years for a chance at something like this.”

“Hmm. Six years?”



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