Consult (9/14)

Jul 20, 2010 21:09

Reid’s brain more or less exploded on him, and he grasped the one thing he could. “You’re leaving the country?”

Luke nodded. “I’m going to Malta. With Damian. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone. This might be the last time we see each other. We should probably make the most of it.”

As he spoke, Luke stepped forward. He reached out to trace a finger lightly down Reid’s chest. Reid huffed out a breath and took a giant step back.

“Luke, come on. Sit down, sober up, and I’ll take you home.”

Luke shook his head. “I don’t want you to take me home,” he said, stepping closer to Reid again. “I don’t think you want that, either.”

Reid backed away again, and Luke smiled. He chuckled and then started speaking. With every sentence, he walked closer to Reid and Reid retreated further. “Before I came over here tonight, I dialed this strange number that’s been calling me this last week. And when the person answered, I suddenly realized who it was. But it didn’t make any sense - why would Katie be calling me? And how did she even know when to? And then it hit me. You two are friends. See, I’m not that drunk.” Luke laughed. “Or at least, I wasn’t then. I am now. I am very drunk now.”

Reid shook his head, preparing to interrupt, but Luke continued to talk over him. “So, I started to piece together other things. Like the way you were never around when I went to the hospital. Almost like you were avoiding me. And the way you’d look at me sometimes. I could never tell what you were thinking, but I think I’ve figured it out. Should I tell you what I suspect, Dr. Oliver?”

Luke placed a palm to Reid’s chest, and Reid backed away as quickly as possible. He moved too far, though, and his back hit the wall. He exhaled once, startled, and Luke grinned.

“Nowhere to go,” he said softly.

Reid closed his eyes and swallowed. When he opened them again, he saw Luke smirking.

“You’re 16 years old,” Reid said without denying Luke’s accusations.

“I’ll be 17 in four months.”


“All right, fine. Seven months. But who cares?”

“It’s seven months for you. It’s jail and a massive fine and my medical license and a lifetime on the sex offender registry for me.”

“Only if someone finds out,” Luke whispered as he broadly shook his head. “I won’t tell.”

He finally closed the distance between them and leaned against Reid’s body, looking up at him. Luke reached down and cupped Reid’s aching cock. Reid’s eyelids fluttered, and he stopped breathing.

“I’ve been thinking about you, Dr. Oliver. A lot. Whenever I…I want you to be my first.”

“God,” Reid whispered involuntarily.

Luke surged forward, lips puckered for a kiss. Reid immediately turned his head, and Luke’s mouth landed on his neck instead. That didn’t seem to stop Luke. He sucked open-mouthed just below Reid’s jaw, making low, throaty moans. And he continued to rub Reid through his jeans, palming the hard ridge. Reid’s knees buckled and his shoulders dropped and he almost collapsed to the floor.

“You smell so good,” Luke murmured against his skin.

“You smell like a distillery,” Reid replied, finally finding his senses again and pushing Luke away.

Luke stumbled to the side, looking at him in shock.

Reid took a deep breath, exhaling it slowly. He ran a hand through his hair as he put as much distance as possible between himself and Luke Snyder before turning to face him.

“That’s enough, Luke.”

Luke shook his head, looking confused. “You want me,” he said softly, hurt. “I can tell.”

“Part of being a grown-up is recognizing you can’t always have what you want,” Reid said. “Even if you’re Richie Rich. Now sit down. I’m going to get you about a gallon of water and then I’ll take you home.”

“Don’t bother,” Luke said angrily, heading for the door.

“Luke! Don’t - ”

It was too late. Luke was out the door. Reid considered going after him, but he hadn’t heard the sound of a car earlier, so he hoped that Luke wasn’t stupid enough to have driven over here. A walk might do him good. Reid looked down at his fading yet still noticeable erection. A walk might do him some good too. And he had a pretty decent idea where he might end up.

An unbelievably short time later, Reid pulled open the door to Metro. Because it was a weekday, it was fairly dead. This was good. Reid turned immediately to the bar and allowed himself a relieved smile when he saw the bartender from the other night. As he walked up to the bar, Reid looked him over again. Maybe the hair wasn’t the exact right shade, and maybe the shape of his nose wasn’t quite like Lu - quite like it could be. And he was more than deceptively built - he was brawny. More of a football player than basketball, Reid guessed. But he would work well enough. Because he was an adult and that made up for a lot.

Reid sauntered the last few steps, pulling out the stool in the corner and sitting down. He waited until the man came to him. When the bartender arrived, he deliberately gave Reid a look over; Reid opened his mouth slightly, holding the tip of his tongue between his teeth.

“What’s your poison?” the man asked.

“Bottle of beer.”

“Anything in particular?”

“Something with a good head.”

The man smirked and disappeared again. He returned a few moments later, popping the top on a bottle and handing it to Reid. Their fingers brushed. Accidentally, of course. He stayed in Reid’s corner, running a towel over a very clean section of the bar.

“I think I’ve seen you in here before. With your…girlfriend?”

Reid lifted the bottle to his lips, tilting it at an angle to so he could sip without taking his eyes off the bartender. He put it back on the cardboard coaster and slid two fingers down the neck.

“She’s not my girlfriend,” he replied.


The door to the small storeroom slammed shut and Reid backed against it. The man was all hands, running his palms up and down Reid’s torso before finding his ass and pulling him close, grinding their cocks together. Reid slapped a hand to the wall next to him, searching for and finally finding a light switch. He needed to see the man in front of him. That was the whole point, he thought, before he shook his head quickly and focused instead on the rush of pleasure going through him.

“I only have a 15-minute break,” the man said urgently, breathlessly.

“Then what the hell are you waiting for?” Reid responded coldly.

He leaned in to kiss Reid, and in an echo from earlier in the night, Reid turned his head away. Much like Luke had, the bartender improvised, moving to the side to suck and kiss Reid’s neck. Reid stuck his hands down the back of the man’s pants, squeezing the flesh of his ass and forcing him closer. Their legs were intertwined, and Reid thrust against his muscular thigh.

“I’m Andy,” the man murmured.

I don’t care, Reid thought. But he had a feeling that response wouldn’t go over well. “Reid,” he said instead.

Andy reached for the buttons of Reid’s shirt. Reid slapped his hands away and put his own hand on the man’s shoulder, pushing firmly. Andy more than willingly dropped to his knees. He looked up at Reid with a smile and then set about unbuttoning his pants. As soon as he pushed the sides apart, he leaned forward and mouthed Reid's cock, still half-stuck behind his boxers. Reid moaned.

Andy reached through the front opening, wrapping his hand around Reid, easing him through the slit in the fabric. He bent forward, opening his mouth wide. But then he only stuck his tongue out and licked a circle around the tip while breathing hot air on Reid’s skin. Reid’s head slammed back against the door.

“Ffffff - Just do it already,” he ordered.

He wrapped his lips around Reid, drawing him into warm suction. Impatiently, Reid reached down, placing his hands on either side of the bartender’s head and holding him still while he thrust into him. The man swallowed him down as Reid went deeper and deeper. Reid began to move more urgently, and Andy relaxed, letting Reid have his way with him for a few beats. And then he raised his hands, pushing Reid’s hips against the door and taking control again. He bobbed his head back and forth, sucking and curling his tongue and humming. Reid watched his blond hair through heavy-lidded eyes. He couldn’t hold back any longer, not after denying himself earlier in the night. He made a warning sound, but Andy didn’t pull back.

Reid came hard, choking back the almost-unstoppable Luke! that tore through him. The other man sucked him dry, swallowing his release. He pulled back, giving Reid one last stroke with his tongue, and then he stood, pressing against Reid’s body.

“I wanna fuck you,” he muttered in Reid’s ear.

“Dream on,” Reid managed to say. He reached down, opening the man’s jeans and squeezing his hand in. He grabbed hold of him, jerking him off roughly and quickly. It was only polite to reciprocate orgasms, after all, and Reid was feeling giving.

Andy didn’t seem to mind being turned down too much. He leaned against Reid, his forehead pressed against the surface of the door. He rocked his hips, keeping pace with Reid. He came with a low groan, splattering into his clothes and onto Reid’s hand.

They both stood silently for a few minutes, catching their breath. Reid eventually removed his hand, reaching around to Andy’s back pocket and removing the towel stuck in there. He wiped at his hands as the other man zipped himself and then Reid up.

“I work until midnight,” he said.

“That’s nice,” Reid replied, before turning around, opening the door and walking out of the bar.

He was halfway home before he finally stopped walking. He leaned up against the fence of a small house, wrapping his hands around the top of it and straightening his arms as he bent his head down. He was reeling from the events of the night, both Luke’s visit and his own excursion. He hadn’t done that since undergrad. He hated anonymous sex. It wasn’t safe, in more ways than one, and it usually meant he had to find a new bar to go to or else he’d risk having to deal with hopeless mooning or hurt feelings. There were only two bars in Oakdale; he couldn’t afford to lose one. And Reid knew the only reason he was focusing on that right now was so he didn’t kick himself for refusing Luke earlier.

“Damn it!” he exclaimed, before he started walking again. He couldn’t get out of Oakhell fast enough.


Luke groaned into the throw pillow and squeezed his eyes shut against the sunlight shining into the living room.

“Luciano,” Damian said softly.

Luke rolled over, shielding his eyes as he looked up at his father. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, running his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he tried to make some saliva. He sat up slowly.

“You slept down here?” Damian asked.

“I…couldn’t remember how to work the stairs,” Luke explained weakly.

Damian came and sat next to him. “I found the bottle,” he said. “Bottles.”

“Yeah,” Luke said softly, waiting to be lectured.

“You shouldn’t drink like that, not with your history.”

“I know. I just…I don’t know.”

Damian nodded. “I will not tolerate that kind of behavior in Malta. But that’s all we will say about it.”

“OK,” Luke replied, sighing. “Thanks.”

Luke pressed his fingers to his forehead, trying to prevent his headache from spreading. Damian pointed to a glass of water and painkillers on the coffee table. Luke moaned gratefully and leaned forward to grab them.

“When you feel better, you should pack. I booked a flight today.”

“Today?” Luke asked, quickly turning his head. Too quickly. Luke closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath and exhaling.

“I’m afraid my doctors are quite insistent,” Damian replied.

Luke turned his body - slowly - towards Damian, hooking one leg on the couch cushion. “I don’t know if I can leave yet. I mean, my mom… And I need to talk to my dad. I need to say goodbye.”

“Luciano, you will have several hours, but that’s it. I would think you’d be happy to get out of town, after what happened last night.”

Luke scowled at the floor. “I thought we weren’t going to talk about it anymore.”

“Not the drinking,” Damian said, sounding hesitant. “I meant what happened with Dr. Oliver.”

Luke furrowed his brow. “I don’t know what…” The events of the previous night flooded into his memory, and Luke stood abruptly. He slapped a palm to his mouth, fighting the urge to vomit. “Oh my God!” he moaned from behind his hand.

He started pacing, holding his hands to his head. “I can’t - I can’t believe I did that.” He spun on Damian, looking panicked. “And how do you know about it?!”


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