Don't Ever Change, for the comment-fic challenge: Crossover

May 06, 2012 13:09

Title: Don't Ever Change
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: G
Characters/pairings: Neville, background Luna, Harry, Voldemort
Warnings (including spoilers): Spoiler for the end of Deathly Hallows
Wordcount: 770 words
Summary: Neville always thought his dæmon would stay a toad forever. Written for the prompt 'The day their daemon settles is during the first battle at Hogwarts (ala Half-Blood Prince). They don't notice until much, much later.' Except I hadn't read Harry Potter for a while and so I wrote the Deathly Hallows battle instead.

fandom: harry potter, challenge: comment-fic, category: fic, category: crossover, fandom: his dark materials, size: drabble

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