Title: Defining Ianto
Fandom: Torchwood
Rating: Pretty solid T, I think. If that's in dispute, tell me, I hate being in the dark about that sort of thing.
Characters/pairings: Janto, Gwen/Rhys, Tosh/Owen, a few other pairings with various F- and MOCs.
Warnings (including spoilers): Spoilers for Ghost Machine and Greeks Bearing Gifts, non-explicit
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Comments 3
OK I have read until chapter 21, but hopefully we'll get more soon!
Just be aware though if you are going to have medical treatment for Ianto's sister that all medical care in the UK is free if using the NHS, which the majority of people do, especially if using Ianto's canon family who are from a poor background. Pardon the run on sentence!Of course Torchwood may have access to currently unavailable treatment...
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