Nocte Nexus

Aug 08, 2014 18:13

Title: Nocte Nexus
Characters: Sylar (Gabriel Gray), Peter Petrelli (sort of pre-slash, for now)
Rating: PG-13 (for now)
Word count: 340
Setting: Inside the Wall
Summary: Sylar feels something strange and wonderful in the night.

Inspired by More Between Us, this gif set, and my most awesome and patient writing partner,
game_byrd. Happy Birthday!

Sylar felt it one night. He couldn’t sleep but he lay in more comfort than he would have had alone, because Peter was here, behind him in bed. They weren’t fucking (not yet). Peter wanted to sleep together just as much as Sylar did, although the empath was very careful to always make it sound like he was doing it for Sylar’s good; which was true, but Sylar magnanimously quit while he was ahead and didn’t point out the younger man’s similar needs.

He’d thought Peter was asleep, but hadn’t paid attention to his breathing, so lost was he in thought. The little man had stopped squirming some time ago and that was usually the indicator.

Several small, gentle points of contact brushed across his shirt-covered back. Peter was…touching him? When he thought Sylar was asleep, no less! Between his shoulder blades and down his spine the touch…caress traveled. Sylar’s eyes rolled back and closed as his mouth opened, barely managing to keep his enjoyment quiet. Oh, the things Sylar wanted to roll over and do to him. It was far beyond pathetic how quickly the touch (or the realization) made his dick stiff and throbbing. It tickled his nerves, all the way up his spine and into his brain, and it was everything he could do not to shiver. It wasn’t very exploratory, he barely noticed, and that meant Peter liked to do this and had done so before with other bedmates. Those fortunate bedmates doubtless received a lot more than a back scratch.

The glorious contact continued for some minutes, probably until the man’s arm tired, never changing pressure or straying far from the designated areas that Peter felt were acceptable to touch, something as simple as Sylar’s back. It left Sylar biting his lip and panting through his nose. When he was finished, Peter shifted closer and settled in with a sigh. Sylar was left wanting badly and wondering if that sigh was one of desire for someone else, discomfort or, perhaps, contentment.

Part 2/3

sylar, mbu-inspired, pg-13, heroes, general masterlist, fic, peter

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