Title: Attractive
Characters: Sylar/Gabriel Gray (implied Peter Petrelli, Virginia Gray and Petlar)
Rating: NC-17 to be safe.
Warnings: m/m implications, mentions of oral sex, gay community, sodomy (Hell therein in religious soul-damning contexts) and drag.
Setting: Inside the Wall, S4
A/N: Unbeta'd. I have no idea where this came from. Maybe a partial
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Comments 5
This is so heart-breakingly human. Peter has 'friendzoned' Sylar and he's over there like, 'I'll do anything you want! Please!!!'
Your Sylar is so beautifully complicated.
"beautifully complicated" Thank you so much!
He’d always figured they just shut their eyes, ignored the testicles and pictured screwing a woman’s ass.
Hahaha! If that's what he thinks, maybe he is straight!
The part that tore my heart out was when Sylar made it clear that sex isn't really what he's after. That it's the affection, touching, cuddling that he wants. Aw. :snif: It seems to me that Peter might actually respond to a request like that, to be needed for comforting rather than servicing.
Love that Sylar, despite how desperate he is still has a line - drag! LOL!
Perfect last line!
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