Title: Progression of an Obsession
Rating: T
Disclaimer: Do not currently and will never own The Mentalist.
Summary: Five times Red John was lingering in the background of Patrick Jane's life. Written from Red John's POV for the 2012 TM Reverse BB at
mentalist_bb. Rated T for creepiness and mentions of blood/etc.
Author's Note: Inspired by a very lovely piece of
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Comments 4
Tbh I originally only had him murder Jane's mother as a plot device... not sure if you saw the art piece this fic was inspired from, but I wasn't really sure how else to incorporate that! It just kind of grew from there into a way of showing how obsessive Red John came to be over Jane. The obsession definitely does go both ways on the show! In the case of my fic, Jane can't really obsess over anything until post-fic... heh.
UGH YES, I creep myself out sometimes! I mean with the way he was their witness and snuck in to the hospital. Ick, self. And the "I made you what you are" line is what kind of sprouted the idea for the fic title, which I just came up with last night... lol. If you think about, each of the five times he gets a bit worse - the progression of his obsession. :)
Thank you so much for your SUPER KIND words. I always love your reviews. *hugs* I'll try to write something less creepy next time. ;)
I think it's only natural that Red John is as obsessive of Jane as Jane is of Red John. I love the fact that Red John's stems so early in Jane's life, whereas Jane (unusually) seems to barely realise he's practically being stalked by Red John. I like how you incorporated the picture into the fic - as you said to Shelli, it's a little plot-devicey, but it works nevertheless! And if nothing else, it does start an incredibly intriguing connection between the two.
Great :D
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