Where to start (7a+b+c/?)

May 25, 2009 00:04


A/N: I'm sorry! I had to make 3 parts. It's too long for 2 posts! :(
parts a+b should be take as one. Part c is Erica's POV
I would love to read your comments! Let me know what you think! :D

Note for Patricia: Thank you! I know you hated it ;-) but thank you for your help!

In the middle of December all the madness came back, and it came back with a double force named Christmas. Christmas Eve was in 5 days and Erica’s parents were coming in 3. Erica was supposed to start planning everything for her family, but she simply didn’t have time for that. Her trial had started with a success but it cost her lot of nerves and even much more hard work. She had called Alice and asked if she could come earlier and help her, but she was still in Africa. To this entire circus, Chief Braddock had added one more clown. He asked Erica to choose some useless MRI pictures with heart diseases and someone would take them from her. He didn’t say what for or when he needed them. And to be honest, all the MRI pictures she had were very useful.

She was sitting on the couch in her office trying to choose which pictures she could spare, when Julia came in.

“What the hell are you doing? You were supposed to be ready by now.” She crossed her arms and sat next to Erica.

Julia knew that Erica was too busy to prepare everything for Christmas, so she decided to help her with that. She knew that the blonde doctor was too tired to think about that.

“Braddock told me to choose pictures I don’t need. And to be honest, I don’t know what to choose… I need them all.” She sighed and leaned back on the couch.

Julia moved closer and took a few pictures from Erica’s hand.

“What are you, a baseball cards collector? Jesus Erica! These two? It’s the same picture! Even I know it! Do you want to organize an exchange with someone from another hospital?” Julia mocked the taller woman.

Erica looked at her and chuckled. “You’re right.” She took another couple of photos. With Julia’s help, Erica had finally divided all of her pictures and they were ready to go.

“So, who’s gonna take these pictures?” Julia asked when Erica was putting on her coat.

“I don’t know. Braddock didn’t say for who they were or what he needed them for. I was just pissed because of the time he asked me for them. He knows that I barely have time for lunch now. I only hope that this is important, because if it’s not…”

“Dr Hahn, do you have a minute?” Chief Braddock appeared in her office’s doorway.

“I was just leaving…”

“Have you chosen these photos?” He asked and stepped into her office. “This is my niece Margaret.” He turned to the young brunette who came after him.

“Good evening.” She said with a strong British accent.

Erica just nodded and she noticed Julia’s smirk.

“So, Dr Hahn… what about them?” Braddock asked.

“Yes. There are six of them. I hope that I could help.”

“It’s for Margaret’s project. So we’ll see when it’s done.” He smiled at Erica.

Erica walked to her door and pushed Julia a little to move. “I’m sorry, but we really have to go now. Sir, I’ll see you tomorrow, and it was nice to meet you Ms.?” Erica paused not sure what the younger woman’s surname was.

“Elliot. Please call me Margaret. We will see each other for a couple of days. I’ll be here doing some research.”

Erica nodded and pushed Julia through the door. “Well, goodnight.” And with that they left.

“It was nice to meet you Ms.?” Julia mocked Erica a little.

“What?” She asked, surprised.

“Even your chief wasn’t that official.” She laughed. “Who’s talking like that nowadays?”

“My mom!” The blonde suddenly stopped. “Well, I’m sorry! She raised me that way, so I’m at least…”

“Ok, ok!” Julia stopped the taller woman before she had a chance to say her lecture.

“Good. Now come on. I’m tired and they will close every shop in town before we even get out of this hospital.” Erica started to walk again and Julia followed her.

“Don’t even start!” Erica said when she saw Julia’s mouth opening.

At the mall they separated: Erica went to buy presents, and Julia went for the other things that Erica needed for her family’s arrival. The blonde surgeon had to admit that without her friend she wouldn’t have managed to do this. She was too tired to do it alone. Julia had this amazing power of pushing Erica through a lot of things without hearing any complain from the taller woman. When Erica was friends with Callie, it wasn’t that easy. Yes, they had a lot in common, but Callie needed more time to convince Erica to be on her side. Maybe it was the age difference. Erica was only one year older than Julia; there were six years between she and Callie.

She had already known what she wanted to buy for her family, so that part of the Christmas shopping went smoothly. When she left the photo shop, she started wondering what she should buy for Kevin and Julia. It appeared that with Kevin it was simpler than she had previously thought. She bought him a pair of sunglasses. They were very similar to his favorite ones. He’d sat on them a few months ago, and after that he couldn’t find anything even close to them. When she was leaving the store, she saw a bookstore and remembered something that Julia had told her one day during their walk. When she was ten, her grandpa didn’t speak English and Julia didn’t want to speak with him in Chinese, so it was her grandpa who decided to learn English. Julia was reading to him “Just so stories” and mostly thanks to her, he had learned the language. As far as Erica knew, they were very close together. She entered the bookstore and found what she wanted.

“Listen, do you have any plans for lunch tomorrow?” Julia asked when they were heading to Erica’s car.

“I hope not.” She smiled. “Why?”

“Kevin called me earlier. We know you’re pretty busy and I’m going to my parents’ house  in three days, so we’ll only be able to meet again after New Year. We wanted to meet tomorrow and give you your presents. He’s going with Laura to Madrid the day after tomorrow.”

“Ok. I’ll try to keep my lunch hour clear. Thank you.” She smiled. “For today and for tomorrow.”

“Hah! Just wait until you see what he bought you.” Julia laughed and closed Erica’s trunk. “Ok, we’re done.”

What Erica and her sister never could understand, was that she had very talented hands when it came to hearts, but when she had to wrap presents into Christmas paper she was a total doofus. At the mall, she only gave her family’s presents to a “professional wrapper” but she didn’t have enough time for Julia and Kevin’s presents. A normal person would do that in 15 minutes. How much time do you need to wrap a small box with sunglasses and a book? But Erica needed an hour. And it had only been an hour, because at the end she was so pissed that she gave up. Kevin’s present looked like a big candy.

During her lunch hour she sat in her office doing some paper work.

“First! Eat!” Julia walked into Erica’s office and put the tray with food on her desk. “Second! You have to slow down!” She sat in the chair opposite to Erica’s desk. “Third! Presents! It’s Christmas!”

“Thank you.” Erica said and grabbed her salad.

“How many days off are you taking for Christmas?” Julia asked.

“Two. I don’t have time for more.”

“Two? Erica! Have you looked into the mirror lately? You look like crap!”

“Thanks! I guess this will be the shortest Christmas ever.”

“Kevin told me that you had a surgery just after you stepped into your office. And you have another one in an hour and a half.”

Erica just nodded and took a sip of juice. Julia sighed and turned to look quickly at the door.

“I saw that woman from yesterday.”

“What woman?” Erica asked.

Julia rolled her eyes. “It’s good that at least you know what your name is.”

“I’m not sure about that anymore.” Erica shrugged.

“This ‘Margaret’ woman. She held the elevator for me when I was coming with this tray. She’s nice.”

“So ask her out.” Erica smirked.

“Very funny. Still nothing in that department.”

“I can give you Callie’s phone number. She’s good at waking up gayness in older women.”

They both laughed. That was one of the things that she had learned from Julia. She knew how to laugh at her past and at herself. They were laughing when Kevin came in.

“What did I miss?” He asked seeing them laughing.

“Nothing. Just old ladies' specific sense of humor.” Julia said.

“Ok. So can we do that presents thing?” He beamed.

“You will never change.” Julia sighed and fished two packages from her bag.

Erica did the same thing as Julia.

“Great! One of us will have a huge candy.” Kevin laughed.

“Shut up! It’s not my thing. I can’t wrap presents, ok?”

“Why? It’s not difficult.” Julia said. “You can do a heart transplant and can’t do that?”

“Nobody’s perfect.” Erica shrugged and noticed that Kevin had shifted on his seat trying to say something, but Julia was faster.

“Ok, so who’s the lucky one?” She pointed at the candy.

Erica stood up and moved closer to Kevin. “Sorry about esthetic side of it, but I hope that you will like what’s inside.”

He also stood up and took the package from her. “Thank you.” He smiled and hugged her very lightly.

“And that’s for you.” Erica gave Julia her present.

They both unwrapped their presents and both only managed to say “OOHH!” when they saw what was inside.

“Ok, give me Callie’s number, because I want to kiss you now!” Julia laughed and hugged Erica, who felt really comfortable with that.

Kevin opened his box and smiled. “Jesus! Where did you find them?” He was amazed. “Thank you, they’re just like my old ones.”

“Ok, it's my turn.” She smirked.

“Why I am scared?” Erica asked smiling.

“Don’t be.”

Erica looked at her and started to unwrap her present when her pager went off.

“Jesus Christ!” Erica sighed and looked at her pager. “Oh! I have to go! I have a heart transplant! I’m sorr…”

“GO!” They both laughed.

Erica smiled at them and left her office.

“Well, it really was the shortest Christmas ever.” Julia shook her head.

Almost 10 hours later, Erica came back to her office and found a note on her desk and her still wrapped gifts. She smiled at her friends and sat on the sofa.

“Dear Robotica,

Stop working for more than two days. We had to go too, so you have to unwrap them alone. Thank you so much for the book. You know how much it means for me. Kevin is grinning like an idiot with the glasses. We hope you will like our gifts. Take care and have a great Christmas. J&K.”

Erica smiled and took the present from Julia. It was a pair of new PJ pants with police cars on them. In the second package from her, there was a book. Erica turned the book in her hands. She noticed the post-it sticker on the cover with Julia’s handwriting on it: “GET A LIFE!” Erica looked at the title. “How to find a perfect woman in one week.” She burst with laugher and shook her head. Kevin’s gift was much bigger. It was a new beautiful leather briefcase. Erica loved her old one, but it was way too old. She packed her things and changed into her street clothes. She closed her office and went towards the elevators. While she was waiting for it, she received a text from Julia. “How’s your new book? ;)”. Erica smiled and stepped into the elevator. She thought for a minute, opened her new briefcase, and fished the book from Julia. She opened it and turned a few pages. “How to recognize a good kisser.” She read quietly and rolled her eyes. She took her phone and dialed Julia’s number.

“If you are calling to complain about the book, better hang up and don’t waste my time.”

Erica chuckled. “There’s a chapter in it, ‘How to recognize a good kisser.’ So try to imagine what I think about your gift.”

“You are ungrateful.”

“I am not. I’m calling to thank you for the pants. They’re great!”

“Glad you like them. But from what I’ve heard a moment ago, you started to read the book.” She giggled.

“I was just flipping through the pages.”

“Uhmm… so now you know who’s a good kisser.”

The elevator doors opened and one of the nurses stepped in. She was talking with someone, so Erica took a step back and leaned against the elevator’s back wall.

“I would have to read that crap to find out. And I also think that I can honestly skip this chapter.”

“You think you’re that good.” Julia laughed.

The blonde doctor chuckled. “Of course! But you still don’t want me to prove it to you.” The doors opened again and the nurse left the elevator.

“Ok and how’s Kevin’s gift? Do you like it?”

“It’s beautiful. I’ll call him tomorrow.”

“Erica, I have to go. My boss is calling.”

“Ok. Thanks again.”

“I should thank you more! It’s wonderful. Ok, bye!” Julia said quickly and hung up.

Erica yawned and moved closer to the doors. The next floor was hers.

“Dr Hahn you’re still here?”

Erica finally looked at the person who walked in earlier with the nurse. It was the chief’s niece.

“You too?” Erica asked.

“I was in the hospital’s archive.”

“Oh…” Erica started, but it was her turn to get out. “Well, I’ll see you around.”

The younger woman stepped out, too. “I guess you will.” She smiled and blushed a little. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight.” Erica turned and walked towards the parking lot.

After 6 hours of saving the life of a woman who didn’t have enough brain to wait for a green light, Erica had finally had enough. She had had enough of everything. When she spoke with her patient’s family she walked into her office and fell on her couch. She closed her eyes and tried to get some sleep. Nothing. Was it even possible to be too tired to sleep? “Jesus bloody Christ. No wonder that that woman had died. How am I supposed to save someone when I’m dead myself?” She thought, angry with herself. She sighed loudly and stood up. “That’s not working.”

She walked from her office to the staircase. She climbed two floors and opened the doors to the roof. It was cold, but Erica felt good with that. It helped her relax. It cleared her mind. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.  She jumped when her phone rang. She groaned and took it out of her pocket.

“Are you busy?” Julia asked.

“As always. Are you alright?”

“I’m ok. I just wanted to talk to you about something.”

“Ok. What’s going on?” Erica asked nervously and her phone beeped. “Shit. It’s my battery.”

“It’s ok. I wanted to ask if you could meet me this evening.”

“Sure. Where?” Her phone beeped again.

“Water’s at eight?” Julia offered.

“I’ll meet you there.”


Erica’s phone beeped for the last time and turned off. “Great! I left my charger at home.”

She stood alone for a while, but finally she admitted that her butt was like an ice cube so she decided to go back.

7b: mean-manic.livejournal.com/5034.html

mean_manic, erica hahn, where to start

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