"Wings Broken, in Your Hands," a Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief drabble

Feb 02, 2011 01:31

Rating: PG-13ish
Pairings: Percy/Luke
Warnings: The drabble is set after the events of the movie and therefore vaguely spoilery for them. Also, in that canon, Percy was 17, so, this includes underage interaction.
Other Notes: I wrote this as a fandom_stocking gift for ktnb. Its title is an adaptation of lyrics from Remy Zero's "Save Me." Although the drabble is set in the movieverse, this is meant to be one of Percy's dream-visions, which appear in Rick Riordan's book series.

Wings Broken, in Your Hands

Luke's mouth curves to form Percy's name, pursed and then open, tongue flicking.

Water rushes between Luke's parted lips, and he is sinking, into cold darkness that will swallow him whole. Back arching, he thrashes, arms flung toward the surface.

Without thought Percy dives for him, seals their lips together and licks breath into Luke's chilled mouth.

Gasping, Luke sucks at Percy's lips and tongue and life.

Heat builds in Percy, sears into Luke. Water around them bubbles and bursts.

And Percy wakes, alone. His sheets, sticky-wet, smell like the sea. He tastes Luke and knows there's more to come.

- end -
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