I really need to stop refreshing that damn Whedonesque thread

Sep 15, 2010 18:10

I added another rant to my earlier rant in response to a comment that said "Angel didn't batter Buffy".

Then as soon as I got back to Whedonesque, I saw the comment: "The concept of dubious consent is used to absolve women of responsibility after having made poor choices"

And I got pissed off all over again.

I immediately provided a link to gabrielleabelle's Read more... )

incoherent babble, rant and ramble, buffy stuff

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Comments 6

deird1 September 15 2010, 23:22:37 UTC
"The concept of dubious consent is used to absolve women of responsibility after having made poor choices"


*gets flamethrower*


me_llamo_nic September 15 2010, 23:26:33 UTC
Oh, you're all new-age-y.

I was gonna go with the conventional torches and pitchforks.


gabrielleabelle September 16 2010, 02:25:03 UTC

Do I really want to know? I'm still sick. Can I ignore this?


me_llamo_nic September 16 2010, 03:23:36 UTC
Feel free. It's comics wank anyway.

Also: Get well soon!


elisi September 16 2010, 06:05:10 UTC
It's good that I don't have the time to keep. Also, I don't have a Whedonesque account. I just seriously hope that cave!Buffy went over there and bashed some heads!


me_llamo_nic September 16 2010, 14:31:11 UTC
Damn straight!

*uses cave!Buffy icon*


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