once more, with a meteor ... or meteorite ... or asteroid ... I forget which

Nov 14, 2010 08:54

Ninth in the series. This one centers around Hugo and his bad luck before coming to the Island.

image Click to view

Stay tuned for "Standing" (I can't count) "What You Feel" coming soon!

lost in thought, vid, buffy stuff, fanboy moment

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Comments 10

ceciliaj November 14 2010, 16:40:46 UTC


me_llamo_nic November 14 2010, 18:05:32 UTC


kassrachel November 14 2010, 17:53:36 UTC
Oh, this is totally lovely! I never would have thought to use Dawn's ballet piece for Hurley, but it works really well. I love the humor of his mom crossing herself, and the timing of the meteroid striking the chicken place, and Hurley swerving through traffic on his scooter on the way to the plane, triumphant -- and then ending with the crashed plane! Oh, Hurley.

My Hurley vid is very different -- focuses on his life on the island and then once he's back off the island again, and almost none of the pre-island stuff.


me_llamo_nic November 14 2010, 18:14:02 UTC
Oh, your vid is really awesome!

When I was working on the earlier vids, my mom made the comment that I should do "Under Your Spell" about Hurley and the numbers, but I was already leaning toward Locke and the Island for that. Originally I hadn't planned to do Dawn's Ballet or Broom Dance at all, but then I thought that Hurley might work really well with it. I had wanted to focus on more of Hurley's life, but then I realized that the song was somewhat shorter than I'd recollected, and so it became a pre-Island vid.

< / more insight into my thoughts than anyone probably cares about >


mypersonal_myth November 14 2010, 20:07:57 UTC
This is really well done. ♥


me_llamo_nic November 14 2010, 22:26:03 UTC
Thanks! =D


eilowyn November 14 2010, 21:19:33 UTC
I think this is my favorite so far, because I ship Hurley and his bad luck so hard.


me_llamo_nic November 14 2010, 22:27:43 UTC
I'm a dreamer, so I ship Hurley/Good Luck, but I can't deny that his relationship with Bad Luck was a big part of his life. =)


eilowyn November 14 2010, 23:33:32 UTC
Hurley/bad luck is season 6 Spuffy, Hurley/good luck is season 7 Spuffy. Yes? Or am I trying too hard to combine fandoms?


me_llamo_nic November 15 2010, 00:04:39 UTC
Sounds about right from where I sit.


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