12.Snow (pg)

Feb 20, 2007 15:22

The house was silent as Ville crept down the stairs. Somewhere in the house a clock chimed midnight, well past when good little Finnish boys should be in bed. Ville jumped down the last few stairs, landing quietly on the run below. He made it to the fridge shortly, opening it to peer inside just as his stomach rumbled nosily, the sound amplified by the silence. He shot a quick glare at it, and continued to poke around, not finding anything he wanted right away. He moved onto the freezer, digging around freezer burned ice cream boxes and half eaten microwavable tacos. Inside he spied a Tupperware container in the back, slightly covered by a large chocolate ice cream container. He was more than a little bit curious. Whose was it? What was in it?

He reached in and took it out, closing the freezer door for the time. It was heavy in his hands, whatever in there packed in tightly. He tried to open it, the lid not coming off easily, now matter how hard he tugged. Getting annoyed, he thru the container at counter, the lid popping off and the contents spilling out onto the counter. He peered closer, touching the lumps on the surface. It felt like...

“Snow. From last year. I keep it in the freezer over the summer, to cheer me up till it snows again next winder. Winters my favorite season... most people don’t know that.” Bam appeared from the shadows of the kitchen, startling Ville slightly. Ville blushed at being caught snooping thru his host’s fridge.

“You really keep snow in your fridge? That’s kind of ...sweet.... and... Rather surprising coming from you.” It was Bam’s turn to blush now, shaking his head a little so that his bangs fell into his cerulean eyes. Ville smiled at his skater, for the first time seeing this side of him. He rather liked it.

Ville scooped the snow back into the container and set it back in the fridge behind the ice cream container once more, lest some other prying eyes came upon it. The pair walked upstairs, and crawled into bed. Ville was almost asleep once again when he turned over to face Bam.

“How’d you know I was downstairs? I thought I was quiet.” Bam smiled to himself, Ville’s puzzled face one of the cutest things he had ever seen.

“I always know when you’re gone, even in sleep. It’s like a 6th sense... a Ville sense. I hate when you go away anyway.”
Ville fell asleep that night with a large smile on his face, in the arms of the man he loved.
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