It's been a rough week. Really rough.
Sunday was my 16th Father's Day without my father. Monday I went in to
the ER with chest pain. The fact that it was entirely due to muscle aches
and anxiety only made me feel stupid, especially since it's the second or
third time I've done it and I should know by now.
Busy week at work. Can't say much about that, except that interacting
with people from other groups, who I don't know, is stressful. As is
interfacing with poorly-documented services. And work is a
service-oriented architecture.
The Starport hasn't sold yet. I'm basically broke.
On the good side, N. may have finally identified the source of my lower
back and hip problems: the right QL (
lumborum) muscle. That's the one that put me flat on my back for a
week 38 years ago, and apparently it's been dicey ever since. We'll see
-- essentially no pain walking around with Colleen yesterday, and very
little doing dishes this morning.
Links, as usual, in the notes.
0615 Su Father's Day. The 16th since Dad died.
* up 6:05; W=209.4; d, n
Eric Cantor and the Death of a Movement -
" I don’t mean that conservatism in general is dying. But what I and others mean by
“movement conservatism,” a term I think I learned from the historian Rick Perlstein,
is something more specific: an interlocking set of institutions and alliances that
won elections by stoking cultural and racial anxiety but used these victories mainly
to push an elitist economic agenda, meanwhile providing a support network for
political and ideological loyalists. "
Green wall - Wikipedia (from a
long wikipedia dive that included caltrops, seborrhoeic dermatitis, and hedgehogs. It
actually started with a picture of a
Capybara on FB. Later stops include quark, tofu, and spontaneous human
! Sad. Actual tears, after seeing
this on FB
" The only people who think there's a time limit for grief, have never lost a piece of
their heart. <3 Take all the time you need. "
The Nightmare on Connected Home Street | Gadget Lab | WIRED Funny -- *now*
Stonekettle Station: Absolutely Nothing Iraq. What were we fighting for?
BBC News - Vanadium: The metal that may soon be powering your neighbourhood
Fascinating -- redox flow batteries - the electrons are actually stored on the
vanadium atoms in the electrolyte. Cool!
Laverne Cox IS a Woman: Facts are Not Subject to Feelings. +Kee Hinkley
0616 Mo
* up 6:05; W=211.2; d, n
* Spent a very boring afternoon in Harborview getting my chest pain checked out. No
problems, of course. Grump. Should have taken a cab, too.
% I should learn to listen more closely to my body. If I can walk half a mile to work
without things getting worse, my heart is probably ok.
0617 Tu
* up 6:15; W=210.0; d, n
Working in retirement is becoming the new normal - CBS News f(Nora Rivkis)
Analog -- The Reference Library Elizabeth McCoy and MCA Hogarth among others
0618 We
% awake 3:30 with nightmares about money. Dream after that was about getting to an
airport. By car, this time, and I had both a guitar and a banjo.
* up 6:15; ; d, n
Where did the Jacobsen Road goats and their feeder go?
From Hilbert Space to Dilbert Space - Hotter and hotter
0619 Th
* up 5:45; W=209; d, n
The Supreme Court just restricted software patents. Here's what that means. - Vox
0619 Th
* up 5:30; W=209.8; d, n
0620 Fr
* up 5:30; W=209.6; d, n
Rahat Al-Holqum Recipe - (
Home - Atomic Rockets
: My Nexus 7 tablet got an upgrade, to Android 4.4.3. Totally painless.
0621 Sa
* up 7ish; W=209.6; d, n; shower
The 15 Punctuation Marks in Order of Difficulty and what they do.
links to PDF chart. f(Judi Miller)
The Rebuttal of Schroedinger's Cat by Sarah Donner - YouTube +Kee Hinkley
Masters of Love - Emily Esfahani Smith - The Atlantic f(Moira Greyland)
" Science says lasting relationships come down to-you guessed it-kindness and
% N, in the course of doing her "structural" homework, seems to have identified -- and
helped -- my lower back problems. Apparently it's all due to the muscle spasm that
put me in bed for a week 30-odd years ago. The culprit is the right QL (
PJ Lifestyle » The Publishing Business Is In Crisis (
Science Reveals What Sitting All Day at Work Actually Does to Your Body f(Nora Rivkis)
[Crossposted from, where it has
comments. Comment wherever you prefer; anonymous comments are allowed on DW only]