Title: Triumphant Return Pairing: Jack/Liz Rating: PG Word Count: 1,516 Summary: Sequel to the AU Story “ That Kind of Girl.” With Liz back at TGS, events work out a little differently because Liz once quit.
Yay! I'm glad you followed up with a sequel - although, I thought the ending to that story worked as well. I just prefer this addition to their story :)
I personally liked the original ending, although I thought from there that something like this would eventually happen. As a piece of writing, I didn't like this nearly as much, so I made it a separate piece.
I should qualify my original comment. I did really like the original ending. I just like stories where they end up together since it's never going to happen on the show....
I think each fanfic makes its own assumptions about what the characters really think/feel about each other while staying in the bounds of canon, and in many cases that means they shouldn't get together in the end. Plus, I'm conscious of the very large weight of archives here, and strive to do something a little different. michellek et al have already covered a pretty wide swath of workable scenarios.
But yeah, the ones where they get together are fun, because it won't really happen. As I've said before, if I thought they would eventually hook up I'd sit back and wait for it rather than dreaming up fanfic. And in "That Kind of Girl", I think it was clearly leading to them eventually being together. I just didn't have a neat way to integrate it into that particular story.
Comments 13
But thanks!
I think each fanfic makes its own assumptions about what the characters really think/feel about each other while staying in the bounds of canon, and in many cases that means they shouldn't get together in the end. Plus, I'm conscious of the very large weight of archives here, and strive to do something a little different. michellek et al have already covered a pretty wide swath of workable scenarios.
But yeah, the ones where they get together are fun, because it won't really happen. As I've said before, if I thought they would eventually hook up I'd sit back and wait for it rather than dreaming up fanfic. And in "That Kind of Girl", I think it was clearly leading to them eventually being together. I just didn't have a neat way to integrate it into that particular story.
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