Cat's Birthday HP Drabblethon III

Apr 16, 2006 00:00

Sorted: 133 prompts. Blame the Cat(s).

the list of who's writing what... )

cat's birthday drabblethons

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florahart April 16 2006, 23:51:27 UTC
Recipient: catrinella
Prompt: Draco/Charlie - pro Quidditch, a Weasley sweater, extra points for Muggle cleaning products.
Words: 100, natch
Warnings: none
Rating: G

"You can't tackle--"


"But that's cheating!"

Charlie chuckled. "Only a little. Benefit of being one of many, growing up."

"I'm freezing!"

"Well yeah, you're not wearing a shirt."

"Because you ruined it! I can't be seen--"

"Draco. For heaven's sake. Here. Here's a jumper--don't insult it; you'd be insulting my mother--and we'll get the grass stains out of your shirt."

"With what? Grass stains are impossible!"

"No--Muggle spray stuff gets them out pretty well. Come on. We'll let it soak while we go to the match."

Draco sighed and walked off toward the pitch.


gileonnen April 16 2006, 23:56:37 UTC
Wonderful!--would it be possible for you to expand this and make it spiffy and for me to read it when it is long and lovely and full of more of this goodness?

. . . I mean, if you wanted? =)


catrinella April 16 2006, 23:57:43 UTC
Flora, I love you! Yay!


mayhap April 17 2006, 00:51:21 UTC
Squee! Oh, that is so very adorable!


mark356 April 17 2006, 01:48:12 UTC
How adorable!


miazilla April 23 2006, 13:13:24 UTC
OMG! My OTP that noone writes! And so brilliant! *hugs*


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