Cat's Birthday HP Drabblethon III

Apr 16, 2006 00:00

Sorted: 133 prompts. Blame the Cat(s).

the list of who's writing what... )

cat's birthday drabblethons

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For wyomingnot pauraque April 16 2006, 21:53:09 UTC
Title: Patience
Rating: G
Prompt: Harry/Remus. Tupperware. Timing. Tenacity. For wyomingnot.
Word count: 200 ( ... )


Re: For wyomingnot bethbethbeth April 16 2006, 23:06:02 UTC
Oh, nicely done!


Re: For wyomingnot wyomingnot April 16 2006, 23:06:07 UTC

Oh, oh, oh!

This is *perfect*.

Thank you!


Re: For wyomingnot gileonnen April 16 2006, 23:39:43 UTC
How beautiful and bittersweet--how very much you've done with two hundred words!


Re: For wyomingnot gmth April 16 2006, 23:56:49 UTC
Oooh, what a mood you've evoked with so few words. Very impressive. :-)


Re: For wyomingnot thimble_kiss April 17 2006, 01:50:10 UTC
This is small but beautiful, Eo -- such a lovely mood ("yellow summer light,""deep lines appear," so nice!) but most of all it's the perfect answer of waiting twenty years to the quiet clue of Good timing, which makes you really sense and hope that the long wait was worth it. :)


Re: For wyomingnot pushdragon April 17 2006, 04:56:04 UTC
*is smitten*


Re: For wyomingnot amanuensis1 April 18 2006, 19:12:11 UTC
OMG I love you. &hearts


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