Cat's Birthday HP Drabblethon III

Apr 16, 2006 00:00

Sorted: 133 prompts. Blame the Cat(s).

the list of who's writing what... )

cat's birthday drabblethons

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wyomingnot April 16 2006, 12:55:29 UTC
Recipient: voldycheese
Prompt: Metamorph into a man, Voldemort gets a tan, Oh la la, Bus-Driver Stan - Why? Because we can can can.
Word Count: 147
Rating: silly
Note: journal format shameless stolen from the recipient.


From the journal of Nymphadora TonksNo wonder the Death Eaters are all so cranky. These robes chafe! Bad enough not being used to the extra bits, but to have them hanging loose, rubbing against scratchy wool? Urgh. I'd better be getting some kind of bonus out of this duty ( ... )


gileonnen April 16 2006, 14:23:31 UTC
Inveterate slasher, perhaps, with the "too gay"? Wonderful job with the prompt, and wonderful job with the drabble!


wyomingnot April 17 2006, 02:03:04 UTC
I can't help myself.

Thank you! (I think the sorting cat was trying to take it easy on me this year, after last year getting the dumbledore's beard challenge!)



ziasudra_fic April 16 2006, 14:47:35 UTC
Aww, Tonks, doing so much for love. And you managed to fit everything from the prompt! Good job :D


wyomingnot April 17 2006, 02:03:43 UTC
Thank you!

(my first time at all with Tonks. egads.)


voldycheese April 16 2006, 17:07:35 UTC
Too old? Too poor? More like too gay.

Haha, Loved it.


wyomingnot April 17 2006, 02:04:33 UTC
Thank you!

(and thank you for that last post in your lj. I think I would have been lost without that inspiration!)


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