Cat's Birthday HP Drabblethon III

Apr 16, 2006 00:00

Sorted: 133 prompts. Blame the Cat(s).

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cat's birthday drabblethons

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The Perils of Malfoys flosspyromaniac April 16 2006, 10:00:20 UTC
Recipient: fairycake
Prompt: Theodore Nott, bat caves, and annoying stalkers named Malfoy.
Word count: 108
Rating: PG-13 for very mild bad language.

‘But Theo…’

Could that whining get any more annoying?

‘We’ve been walking for hours.’

Such a sodding drama queen.

‘I’m really not used to this kind of treatment.’

It wasn’t like he’d been asked to come along.

‘These bats are going to move at any moment I know it!’

He just wouldn’t stop following.

‘These caves are really dark as well, and damp!’

I hope he gets bat droppings in that bloody blond hair.

‘Are you listing to me Theodore?’

Great, now he sounds like my mother.

‘I will not stand for this kind of treatment you know.’

That does it.

‘Lucius will you shut up?!’



A/N: *WEG*
Yes, I realise you probably wanted Draco, but you only said Malfoy and I couldn't resist it...


Re: The Perils of Malfoys moreteadk April 16 2006, 10:42:05 UTC
LOL! The eye rolling and annoyance of Nott is practically dripping out of this one. As is the uncomfortableness and fear of Malfoy. I love!


Re: The Perils of Malfoys flosspyromaniac April 16 2006, 10:47:28 UTC
Thank you so much!


Re: The Perils of Malfoys dolorous_ett April 16 2006, 11:33:18 UTC
Very nice job - the whining is instantly recognisable from canon...


Re: The Perils of Malfoys flosspyromaniac April 16 2006, 20:46:41 UTC
Thank you! I thought so...


Re: The Perils of Malfoys redcoast April 16 2006, 13:19:39 UTC
Ba-dum-chi! Wonderful use of the prompt!


Re: The Perils of Malfoys flosspyromaniac April 16 2006, 20:46:59 UTC
I thought I might as well have a little fun ^.^


Re: The Perils of Malfoys hibernater April 16 2006, 16:24:45 UTC
I'm glad you made it Lucius. Draco is too obvious :)


Re: The Perils of Malfoys flosspyromaniac April 16 2006, 20:47:14 UTC
Yay! I just couldn't resist...


Re: The Perils of Malfoys fairycake April 16 2006, 23:13:43 UTC

oh, the dripping exasperation. (it is as moreteadk said. :P)

i'll admit that i was thinking draco, but i'm even more intrigued by the reasons lucius might have for being there.

in short: thank you!


Re: The Perils of Malfoys flosspyromaniac April 17 2006, 09:12:21 UTC
I'm very, very glad you liked it and thanks for the great prompt!


Re: The Perils of Malfoys helzebel April 16 2006, 23:17:51 UTC
*giggle* Tricked me! It seemed very Draco - but I guess that whining is hereditary. ;)


Re: The Perils of Malfoys flosspyromaniac April 17 2006, 09:12:39 UTC
Yay! That's what I was going for.


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