Title: Blossom Recipient: ts_marked Prompt: One student, blossoming into maturity, makes Dumbledore desperate to break his self-imposed 'fast'. Word Count: 100 Rating: PG-13
Albus hummed as he surveyed the preparations for the late-night supper. Everything was perfect: oysters, champagne, the musky aroma of truffles lingering over the table.
His heart quickened as he heard her step on the stair, then turned in time to see the door open and her entrance. He looked her up and down, from the tips of delicate shoes up to the crown of her perfectly coifed head, his eyes lingering on the now deliciously mature body in between.
"My, Pansy," he said, with a slow smile and a lascivious spark in his blue eyes. "You certainly have blossomed."
Recipient: ts_marked
Prompt: One student, blossoming into maturity, makes Dumbledore desperate to break his self-imposed 'fast'.
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Albus hummed as he surveyed the preparations for the late-night supper. Everything was perfect: oysters, champagne, the musky aroma of truffles lingering over the table.
His heart quickened as he heard her step on the stair, then turned in time to see the door open and her entrance. He looked her up and down, from the tips of delicate shoes up to the crown of her perfectly coifed head, his eyes lingering on the now deliciously mature body in between.
"My, Pansy," he said, with a slow smile and a lascivious spark in his blue eyes. "You certainly have blossomed."
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