Cat's Birthday HP Drabblethon III

Apr 16, 2006 00:00

Sorted: 133 prompts. Blame the Cat(s).

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cat's birthday drabblethons

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The Dead Are Watching fell_beast2 April 16 2006, 05:07:44 UTC
Recipient: xellan
Prompt: The dead are watching - literally.
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG

After a long, hard day of studying and bossing the younger Gryffindors around, Percy Weasley likes to relax by singing to himself in the shower. Late at night, he has the Prefect’s bathroom all to himself, and can belt out Celestina Warbeck’s greatest hits at the top of his voice to his heart’s content. If he’s in a good mood, he may even dance around the room, without a towel. After all, no one can see him ... right?

Moaning Myrtle reckons it’s a good thing she’s already dead; if she weren’t, she surely would have killed herself laughing by now.


Re: The Dead Are Watching gmth April 16 2006, 06:36:55 UTC
Awww, poor Percy. This is lovely. :-)


Re: The Dead Are Watching archon_mentha April 16 2006, 07:00:41 UTC
*snorts* I love it! I can SO see Percy singing in the shower, god, and the naked dancing? Just plain wonderful. ^___^


Re: The Dead Are Watching fell_beast2 April 17 2006, 23:23:58 UTC
Glad you liked it. ;)


Re: The Dead Are Watching gileonnen April 16 2006, 11:09:13 UTC
It's sad because I swear, it's true. =)

Lovely piece--very, very funny. =)


Re: The Dead Are Watching such_heights April 16 2006, 11:27:57 UTC
Yes! How extremely Percy. Fantastic.


Re: The Dead Are Watching helzebel April 16 2006, 13:48:14 UTC
YES. Fantastic. I love it. Percy cracks me up.


Re: The Dead Are Watching a_t_rain April 16 2006, 14:33:55 UTC
:: snerk :: Brilliant.


Re: The Dead Are Watching hibernater April 16 2006, 15:31:04 UTC
*dies laughing*


Re: The Dead Are Watching ex_ella_bane358 April 16 2006, 15:35:54 UTC
Hee hee, great last line. ♥


Re: The Dead Are Watching marginaliana April 16 2006, 17:45:30 UTC
Haha! Oh, Percy!


Re: The Dead Are Watching josanpq April 16 2006, 18:24:38 UTC
OH! Now that is downright wicked! :-)


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