Cat's Birthday HP Drabblethon III

Apr 16, 2006 00:00

Sorted: 133 prompts. Blame the Cat(s).

the list of who's writing what... )

cat's birthday drabblethons

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Drabble for srichard nightfalltwen April 16 2006, 03:30:04 UTC
Prompt: Minerva/Pansy--"With that name, you're not very thoughtful, are you?"
Word count: 100 even
Rating: PG

Pansy fumes in the back of the classroom. Literally. Twice Minerva has asked that she step outside and perform a cooling charm. The students around Pansy are starting to complain.

Pansy glares from the back of the classroom. Minerva doesn't look or notice.

When class is over, Pansy storms down between the desks, hips hitting either one in an exaggerated sway. She crumples up a card to hurl at the Transfiguration teacher before she flounces out.

Minerva unfolds the paper ball.

"Happy three day anniversary! XOXO"

"Bloody hell!" Minerva shouts from her desk. "It was a pat on the shoulder!"


Re: Drabble for srichard gileonnen April 16 2006, 03:32:37 UTC
Pansy's got a twisted idea of relationships, eh? Very, very fun fic!


Re: Drabble for srichard nightfalltwen April 16 2006, 03:34:23 UTC
This one does! Yep!



Re: Drabble for srichard dorotea April 16 2006, 03:54:19 UTC
:)) I love it!


Re: Drabble for srichard nightfalltwen April 16 2006, 03:55:29 UTC
Thank you! :*


Re: Drabble for srichard srichard April 16 2006, 07:15:23 UTC
*dies* Lovely!


Re: Drabble for srichard nightfalltwen April 16 2006, 07:16:23 UTC
You're welcome!!



Re: Drabble for srichard helzebel April 16 2006, 13:31:49 UTC
*cracks up* That is one hilariously messed-up Pansy. XD


Re: Drabble for srichard nightfalltwen April 16 2006, 15:41:00 UTC
:D Thank you. I rather thought so as well.


Re: Drabble for srichard hibernater April 16 2006, 15:10:27 UTC
... that's the sound of me falling off my chair.


Re: Drabble for srichard nightfalltwen April 16 2006, 15:43:07 UTC
*puts out a cushion*

Don't hurt yourself!



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