Cat's Birthday HP Drabblethon III

Apr 16, 2006 00:00

Sorted: 133 prompts. Blame the Cat(s).

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cat's birthday drabblethons

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zadcat April 16 2006, 00:42:58 UTC
Recipient: egyptian_moon
Prompt: Minerva McGonagall, ball of yarn, catnip
Word count: 90
Rating: G

Nobody noticed Snape taking a pinch of green herbs from his pocket and slipping them into a nearby teacup at breakfast. But when Minerva McGonagall came in and sat down, then leapt to her feet and madly chased the ball of yarn Snape flung across the dais, all the while yowling vigorously, the whole school broke into spontaneous applause.

"Ten Galleons," Snape said quietly to Professor Flitwick. After all, he had to earn back the gold he'd had to pay Minerva when Gryffindor whomped Slytherin in the Quidditch final again.


egyptian_moon April 16 2006, 01:02:17 UTC
*is dead*

OMG, that was soooo perfect. Just what I had in mind.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!


gileonnen April 16 2006, 01:49:36 UTC
How very Snapely--and bloody hilarious. =)


catherinecookmn April 16 2006, 02:19:07 UTC
That's perfect. It's exactly what he'd do!


ex_pixystick865 April 16 2006, 02:37:09 UTC
That's perfect! I love Minerva and her catnip.


egyptian_moon April 16 2006, 02:51:48 UTC
There is just not enough Minerva/catnip stories. The possiblities are endless!


snapetoy April 16 2006, 07:06:25 UTC
Fabulous drabble! *dies laughing*


pre_raphaelite1 April 16 2006, 12:20:14 UTC
*giggles* Wicked!


helzebel April 16 2006, 13:04:21 UTC
*cracks up* Fabulous. So very Snape! And I can envisage catnip having that effect on McG...


josanpq April 16 2006, 15:27:36 UTC
And he'd do something like that, wouldn't he? LOL!


hibernater April 16 2006, 15:44:20 UTC
Yeah, really, really clever. And funny :)


_hannelore April 16 2006, 18:36:17 UTC
Hee! Very cute :D


underlucius April 16 2006, 21:58:09 UTC
bad snape! I really long that the professors did stuff like this!



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