Summary Executions Part XXIX

Jun 18, 2005 03:42

This batch of SE is dedicated to babb_chronicles, its founder agatha_s (now retiring gracefully), and its new collector anaid_rabbit (starting off delightfully with the butt beer edition).

  • A cauldron explodes in Potions class, sending six students to the Hostpital Wing. Two of them don't come off really lucky, and they're all screwed in the end. Not really what your thinkin'.

  • A dark past is revealed. Cho has yet another dream. Nagini plans to take matters into her own hands.

  • A heartbroken Hermione luckily finds the chance to move on from her hopeless LOve for Harry. Realizing she's a heiress of kind purebloods, she goes to Hollywood and becomes a star. She comes back to Hogwarts with a mask.

  • A new character comes to Hogwarts. He can throw knives and he does drugs. Woohoo!

  • A sad tail. Not sure it will be continued on.

  • After Harry finds Malfoy, Dumbledore begins to loose the plot and control as the blond aristocrat overpowers the headmaster in more ways than one. Hehe.

  • An ancient coven reserected, Hermione finds that she is mother nature, her and Draco with the help of her lost sisters need to end this war

  • Another spurt of passion I whipped up for you between two characters of your choice.

  • Anouk Moretti and Oliver Wood. Irish and Scottish. The love between these two are immense, but it takes time for them to truly find out how large it is. They must face turmoils and tragedies to bring them to a forever togetherness.

  • Apollo and Anakin are twin's. They were adopted and grew up in America, only now to find out they are the offspring of Lord Volemort. They have decided to attend Hogwart's.

  • AU. Music based. After the TriWizard Tournament, Harry decides to do what he want to do. Oh and what is up with vampires? No pairings kinda. Sirius won't make an appearance unless asked for.

  • Basically this is an action-packed story with dragons, dark creatures, and a mild case of Gore.

  • Diana isn't like other girls her age: She's nocturnal, lives with the Dark Lord, is a trained assissin, oh yeah, and she sleeps in a coffin and has fangs. Her life isn't a battle field between good and evil. She's not afraid of death.

  • Draco found a girl. Not just any girl a girl that crashed down during their hogmid vist. Who is she and Why Draco?

  • Eve Beldone is a different girl. At fourteen, she must help every creature and every being through Whispers and appearances. She gets called in the night and slowly, it's eating her up.

  • Four girls at Hogwarts are reigning terror…Or are they?

  • Hagrid accidentally kills Proff.Dumbledor, and tries to act like it never happened for fear of returning to Azkaban. Everything seems to be going well until Harry, Ron and Hermione find out.Should they tell on their longtime friend or keep quiet?

  • Harry comes into his inheritance when he turns 17 and he furry.

  • Harry discovers him roots and what makes him Harry by looking at his middle names.

  • Harry gets really sick from Hypothermia, and Remus is sure he's going to die; he has W-B type blood, and nobody else has it. And as he sits crying by his side and squeezing his hand, Harry gets weaker and weaker... and then Romulus arrives.

  • Harry has found himself in doosies and when two mysterios girls show up he gets into even more doosies. For one thing why would he have any sexual intercords with anyone in the first place?

  • Harry is in his sixth year at Hogwarts. He must stop Dracula's only offspring, a viscous vampire who has allied with Voldemort.

  • Harry is running an escort service: he is selling the Gryffindor boys for a night of pleasure to the rest of Hogwarts. This supply is met with high demand from the Slytherin boys.

  • Harry is transformed into a wolf cub at the age of 20 years old. Time-travel. He was found by a young vampire...

  • Harry must fulfill his destiny to defeat and kick riddle in the butt for Sirius.

  • Harry receives his birth certificate from his mother 2 weeks prior to his birthday. He realizes the truth and begins his betrayal to the light. Voldie's son!Harry Manipulative!Dumble Bad!RonHermione Dark!Ginny Darkalive!Sirius Neutral!Remus Slash&Het!

  • harry summer is the pits his godfather died cho dumped him and his uncles harsh but one dream might change his mind ootp spoiler. I updated yall.

  • Harrys depressed, Draco's nice, and Draco learns a new power! Wee!

  • Haunted by flaming emerald eyes and a seconds-long connection that left his soul open and longing, Draco Malfoy, the infamously devilish Prince of Slytherin is back at Hogwarts for his seventh and final year of school several months after the end of the second war with Voldermort. He thought the hardest battles of his live were long over. Little does he know, he'll have to find the courage and cunning not only to fight for his heart, but also the soul of magick itself.

  • He defeted the Dark Lord, and vanished...Seven years later Harry's been found and brought back, with a daughter in toe.

  • Her path had been chosen for her long before her birth, a path perhaps she would wish had never stumbled across. The Silver Dragon and the Black Snake must be united but will Meryn comply to what is destined for her or will she upsurp the past?

  • Hermione decides shes tired of being the nerdy bookworm so changes her look and atitude. When she comes back and she is head girl She finds out the Slitherin Sex God Malfoy is Head girl.

  • Hermione Granger Is known as the School Knowitall, but all of that changes suddenly one year with the arrival of something unbelievably believable. Can Hermione survive the year and still manage to stay smart?

  • Hermione turns vampire yadda yadda yadda. Got bored of summary.

  • Hermione wakes up in a room that is not hers, a body that she does not reconize,only to discover j she's been in a comma for three years.

  • Hi my name is Harry James Potter. I bet you heard of me, I'll be surprised if you haven't. I don't know what's happening to me. One minute I'm perfectly care and next I'm biting my friends off ,and this I don't think I'm going to see the end of this. Hogwarts has been taken over by Voldemort and ...I didn't do any-thing to stop it. Point of view is Harry Potter's life in the run into the Blackness of the heart!

  • Is PG13 to much? Iono, Harry is angsting nothing unusual, he commits suicide again not unusual. Bared entry to the afterlife because of a stupid prophesy? Meh still nothing unusual for Harry. HP/Spirit of Hogwarts later on, also demigod Harry.

  • It was a late Friday evening and Hermione sat quietly in her four poster bed with her DADA essay she'd just finished in her knee.

  • It's about Neville and his cute wee love life. It starts with his Gran but bear with it. Neville and Hannah, kinda fluffy.

  • Join Harry and Ginny in the battle against Voldemort, and all those other annoying people!

  • Lily Evans was never normal, never. But one day she woke up a little more different . . . with wings.

  • "LOOK INSIDE YOUR HEART!" the girl screamed at Lucius Malfoy. "I. CAN'T," the stubborn Malfoy yelled back. "I can't," and with a heart wrenching sob the grown Malfoy broke into tears.

  • Lord Voldemort and his Death eaters hav heard of a powerful magic living in Ireland, in the form of a halfblood lighting demon.

  • Maybe one day we'll wake up and this will all just be a dream. The end of all things is the collision of reality and one's fleeting escape of it. Warning: major AU, other stuff will come as they may.

  • Mysters thing have been happening at Hogwarts since the new year for Harry, Ron, & Hermoine. Let things missing, object broken, & an animal found hunged. Not to forget Luna's stranger visitor to her private room. Harry thinks that Voldemort is behide this, but is he really or is it a trip?

  • O/C is a vampire, so is Severus and they end up killing Remus. Arthur Weasely is bitten and Fudge is a very annoying person.

  • Once upon a time, a stag and a tigerlilly were the proud parents of of a lion cub, but when the black snake attacked, the lion cub disappeared...

  • Political issues take a full swing as Lords and Ladys are awoken. Another war is raging on, and this time, a third side just stepped in. Watch as how friends betray friends, Dumbledore and Fudge do their worst, and... Harry is a father! Harry x Tracey Davis. Vampire!Tracey Davis, Incubus!Draco, Banshee!Theodore, Banshee!Pansy, VampireBoy!Blaise, Giant!GrabbeGoyel, SerpentHuman!Harry, and... other stuff.

  • (rating WILL go up if you guys want lemons)(you as OC)DracoXOC story.Draco-"You're a vampire! Why did you save me!" You-"Correction, I'm a WEREvamp. Theres a difference ya know?"(this is part of the story)

  • Read and Review peeze.

  • Reign O'er Me is an exploration of what might happen if Harry were able to move past the Angst and start to put his life together and prepare to cash Voldemort's chips for good.

  • Remus rambles out his life with Severus. No plot just fluffy ramble "Life has no plot". Mpreg mentions. Rating may be bit to low. Any one wanta beta?

  • Severus Snape was in love once, and his love's dying wish was for he and Magonical to find her Muggle born niece LaRae Nazhoni.

  • Short one off fic about what Headmaster Dumbledore saw in the "Mirror of Erised" in the J.K. Rowling book, "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone-other than socks.

  • Slytherin Quidditch Team screwing H/G !

  • Snape is a vampyre(gothic spelling), and finds love with a OC, Jessalyn. A song fic to songs done by Inkubus Sukkubus.

  • Snape is not so human after all and it gets better, or worse consdering what ones idea of better is.

  • Snape used to lead a happy life. Tragedy happens here, tragedy happens there. His good life went down the drain. A tragic story of Snape's life. (explanation as to why he always acts as if he has a wand up his butt)

  • Stuffed, silent and about to dance: Ginny thinks.

  • The 4th-7th year Muggle Studies classes are going to perform the Phantom of the Opera. Dumbledore involves the whole school and casts Hermione as Christine, Severus as the Phantom, and Draco as Raoul.

  • The Dursleys, send a 1 year old Harry to Canada upon recieving him. There he is raised on the streets of Toronto as a thug.

  • The full challenge is listen in the prolgue.

  • The new girl a new world and roses lie in the blood can anyone save the world that thrives for the hunt. Roses are red with blood and the world will soon die. My pain tries to deny the world i soon will love and the boy i came to hate. Can I love him all over again or will I feel pain again. Karen is not your ordinary girl and never will be. Her destiney was to be bad forever but she still fights for her freedom from the Lord's evil clutches can Harry save her once agian like in the past

  • There are ties that bind and swords that are double-edged. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Every decision has unforseeable consquences, but they all lead up to an unavoidable conclusion.

  • There's a reason Harry always looks so frumpy and it's not what you might think. Warning: Slightly Dark!Harry.

  • This is a dark story involving rape, death, and angst in every possible way.

  • This is simi Goth Harry, plus slash and weird Animagi traits. Just read-you'll understand.

  • this story is from hermiones point of u.

  • This, when read, is 'spose to create a Godly Harry image. For those stories that have Harry growing to like, 6' 2" in two months. And Lightning blasting out from the hands. It's also from a Ginny POV.

  • Uh...just a one shot piece of poo Harry Potter fanfic! r&r!

  • Weird flashback/forward fict. If it's hard to follow, thats good! It's supposed to be confusing! R&R Draco/Harry! Breif M-preg. Between Pg-13 and R, so I went steep.

  • Well... I was going to write this a little longer, but then I didn't...Um... This is it, it's complete, sorta, or maybe I should say abandoned. Don't read it, it's realy boring and really should have more chapters. But it won't have.

  • What happens when Hermione Granger changes? When she becomes sex starved?She becomes the schools slut for a melenia!

  • What if Dudely was a Wizard? What if Petunia was a Death Eater? What if Harry was really the Dark Lords son?

  • What if Harry had an anut on his fathers side?

  • What if Harry was born a full-blood vampire and is the son of Severus and Serry Snape.And Harry was given to James and Lilly Potter so they could protect him Voldemort.

  • What was supposed to be innocence has seen too many lies. What was supposed to sanity is now wrapped up in white.What was supposed to keep me warm at night has now began to snow. A poem I wrote I hope you like it.

  • What would it be like if Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny had an internet. Please help with suggestions if you can.

  • WHAT! Harry and Draco Bi, a new girl, incest, Hermionie dying! how does it all fit together?

  • "Who do you love? " It echoed in his brain like a million voices. Who do you love…Who do you love…I can't answer this…I can't…I must not…Bullshit...His brain screamed for him to answer and he fought it with all he had....


  • Wild hallowing party, drunked Malfoy and a not so innocent Granger getting bigger at the belly. Were will this all lead down to?

  • You've fantasized about it - books, movies.. somewhere along the line, one contains one. Hermione and Draco, however, choose to create a different 'rain scene'

See also the previous 28 batches of Summary Executions.

summary executions

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