Title: Spring Fling
winkingstarRating: G
Wordcount: ~245
Disclaimer: Playing in someone else’s sandbox and all that.
Notes: [
Airport AU], in which John is a charter pilot and Rodney is a flight attendant, though this is mostly stand-alone. For
flyakate, who wondered about Rodney’s reaction to “all the college bimbos lusting after John” on spring break.
“I can’t believe you’re leaving me for a spring fling in Honduras,” Rodney muttered darkly.
“It’s Habitat for Humanity,” John protested.
“Uh-huh. I saw the way that blonde bimbo threw herself at you.”
“They needed a lift. I’ve got a plane.”
“Hello? That’s what commercial flights are for. Stupid undergrads who feel the need to justify their spring break orgies by claiming to do good when really all they’re capable of is holding a paintbrush.”
“Ah, but they’re rich undergrads,” John pointed out. “They don’t fly commercial.”
“Exactly. So they con you into flying them and get you to sign up, too, just so they can make you do all the hard work while those bikini-clad airheads giggle amongst themselves and get into paint fights over who gets to seduce you first.”
John ducked his head to hide his grin.
“And then they’ll get you drunk and use you as the fall guy for their drug smuggling ring. And do you know what the jails are like down there? It’s unspeakable, and I don’t know any really good lawyers and-”
John leaned in to press his lips against Rodney’s, humming until Rodney stopped talking and kissed him back.
“I’ll miss you, too, Rodney.”
The tips of Rodney’s ears turned pink. “Sorry,” he mumbled.
“’s okay. I promise I’ll keep an eye on those bikini-clad drug smugglers,” John said solemnly, waggling his eyebrows.
Rodney rolled his eyes and kissed John again, for good measure.