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Comments 19

gottalovev July 26 2010, 02:47:03 UTC
fyi, sgareversebang was a hoot, I loved it. I absolutely loved how you run it, and problems are just that: accidents. you did wonderfully.

lovely interview! can't wait for everyone to see what you did. it's great *high fives you*


mashimero July 27 2010, 01:29:24 UTC
Thanks, I'm glad to hear to that!


chkc July 27 2010, 00:28:11 UTC
1) Wow, it didn't feel like pokemon was popular ten years ago! *feels old*

2) SGAreversebang was awesome! :) You did a wonderful job, especially since you did all the mod work yourself

Random question for you: What serves as inspiration for your drawings? (Chibis or otherwise.) Do you usually use reference pictures?


mashimero July 27 2010, 01:39:22 UTC
1) Well it's still popular now *eyes my DS with Pokemon Heart Gold in it* but yeah, hard to believe it's been that long.

2) Thank you!

My chibis just kind of pop into my head. I'm not great with humour, so I just have to wait for it to come to me. If I have a lot of spare time, like if it's a slow day at work, my thoughts usually wander to SGA.

Bigger pieces (digital paintings and blends/collages) are a little more complicated. I'll start with concept in mind for what I want to do, but it usually evolves with my mood and my playlist. Music is a huge influence on how my art turns out. And the mood thing is why it gets harder to pick up a piece the longer I leave it sitting. But uh, I could keep going on and on about music choices, so I'll just leave it there :)

If I'm drawing for a fandom I'm not familiar with, then yes, I make good use of references. With SGA though, I'm confident enough that I only need to use references if I'm doing some really funky expressions like sex!faces.


ex_kisa_haw July 30 2010, 16:33:45 UTC
Music is a huge influence on how my art turns out.

Ditto this for me. It's why I either have to tailor my playlist to what I'm writing, or more likely, write without it. I've been known to have crazy left turns based on listening to the wrong song at the wrong time (or having something stuck in my head when I'm writing).


taste_is_sweet July 30 2010, 03:42:38 UTC
Fun interview. Thank you. :)

Thank you so much for mentioning reversebang! I didn't know it existed, and I've been having a great time looking at the artwork and reading the stories!

I've got two questions:

1) Why did you decide to do the reversebb?

2) When should I look for sign ups for 2011? :D


mashimero August 2 2010, 18:10:27 UTC
I'm quite late, but thank you for reading! :)

1) I wanted a challenge that would put the focus on the artists and artwork instead of having them as an afterthought. Not to slam any other challenges or fests, but most of them (across all fandoms) seem to be tailored towards producing fanfic. I thought the change would be fun and refreshing.

2) Either end of 2010 or early 2011 :)


taste_is_sweet August 3 2010, 03:01:34 UTC
No worries! And thank you for replying! :)

1) If it helps, I for one never thought of the art that went with the SGA Big Bang stories I co-wrote as anything like an afterthought. For me the whole point of the fic was to be able to earn a gorgeous piece of artwork to go with the story, and seeing the illustration for the first time was the best part of the BB. I'm sorry that it seems the art wasn't considered important in other fests.

2) Cool. Thank you. :) If I track the dreamwidth Reverse Bang community (if I can, that is), will I be able to know when the sign ups open? I don't know if I'll have time, but I'd hate to miss it just because I didn't know when to start looking for it.


mashimero August 3 2010, 03:42:09 UTC
1) Maybe my wording was a bit off, but I didn't want to say that I didn't think the art was an important part of other challenges. More like, the art and fic don't always fit all that well together? Like, you could look at the art or the fic as stand-alone works in most cases. I wanted to try to get people doing something more cohesive and collaborative.

2) You can watch sgareversebang to stay updated, but I think I'll be mirroring the challenge on DW and LJ for the next round.


ex_kisa_haw July 30 2010, 16:31:39 UTC
Ack! I've been so busy trying to finish my story I missed this! D:

Yay, awesome interview! And thank you for answering my question. Personally I think you did a bang-up job being a mod, and the fest went over beautifully! I'm really looking forward to participating next time.


mashimero August 2 2010, 18:11:12 UTC
Thank you, I really appreciate your comments :)


danceswithgary July 30 2010, 20:25:37 UTC
I loved participating in sgareversebang and I can't wait to see your match entry! :-D


mashimero August 2 2010, 18:11:56 UTC
I'm so glad you enjoyed it! :)


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