Time to vote in the McShep Match 2008 Icon Challenge

Apr 16, 2008 22:14

We've had lots of entries in the great Home vs. Away icon contest - but which team do you think came out ahead?

This is where you get to vote, and the winning team will get a head start on the prompt list for the fest - we'll be handing it over a couple of days early for their perusal while the other team can only sit and wonder - and try to get their revenge in the next challenge, of course!

So here they are - the entries in our icon challenge:

Home Team

allyndra's entries:

alyburns's entries:

dadaje's entry:

devikun's entries:

falling_colours's entries:

from_the_corner's entry:

jrprongs's entries:

liresius's entries:

monanotlisa's entries:

thegrrrl2002's entries:

winter_elf's entry:

Away Team

alyburns's entries:

chase_acow's entries:

crooked_halo8's entries:

devikun's entries:

from_the_corner's entry:

monanotlisa's entries:

shinigrace's entry:

unamaga's entries:

winter_elf's entry:

Thanks to everyone who took part! Please remember to credit the makers in the keywords when you upload any of these - you'll have plenty of chance to use their fabulous work over the next few months!

Poll now closed! The Away Team take the win by 67 votes to 42.

Poll McShep Match 2008 Icon Contest

You can vote until midnight GMT on Thursday. (When is that?) After that, we'll tally up the votes and announce the winning team before we open sign-ups on Friday.

So get voting, and don't forget you can prod, bribe or beg your friends to vote as well, it's open to anyone with an LJ!

icons, !mod post, warm-up challenge

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