Title: Life in the Fast Lane
ldyanneTeam: Play
Prompt: borrowed time
Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard
Rating: NC-17 for m/m sex, but also for language
Warnings: Besides the slash? Temporary character death
Disclaimer: Neither Atlantis or Freejack belong to me, I’m just playing with them; I will put them back where they belong when I’m done.
Notes: This story is a fusion with the movie Freejack. As such it will have elements from that movie. Also there’s a line from the Rising in here, I think you’ll recognize it when you see it. Thanks to my beta for your help and encouragement. Also thank you to the members of Team Play for your support.
Summary: The day John died was just the beginning of the rest of his life
Please note: This story is hosted on a temporary website. If linking to this story please link to this post and not the story itself to ensure you don't end up with broken links after the fest ends. Thank you.
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