Interview... May be a bit long winded lol

Jul 17, 2011 19:03

My interview answers 

1. What was your first fandom? I'd say my first ever fandom was Doctor Who. But I was teeny tiny so I didn't write fic. The first ever fandom I wrote fic for was the Invisible Man on scifi. I loved that show, and Darien and Bobby were just as easy to slash as John and Rodney are.

2. How did you get into writing fanfic/creating fanart? well, the chemistry and relationship between Darien and Bobby was just so THERE! but the writers weren't putting it into the show! That made me angry and still does with shows today. So I decided to sit down at the computer and make it right! I haven't been able to stop making it right since. Lol

3. Is SGA your main squeeze, or are you poly-fandom-ous? SGA is totally my main squeeze! I watch H50, and I managed to write 2 little ficlettes but I just can't bring myself to write long fic... Unless it was a cross over, I might be able to do that. In fact, it took me a long time to even allow myself to even like five-0 because it felt like cheating on my OTP. but I do like it, and Alex O is almost as hot and Joe F! I have this theory that Alex and Joe are co-rulers of planet hot. Lol

4. What makes John and Rodney such an inspiring couple for you? just how much in love they are! They're not the kind of couple that hang off of each other 24 hours a day. They argue, sometimes for real and
Sometimes just for show. They dislike things about one another but at the end of the day, everything is forgiven with super hot sex! They're protective of one another and each one would gladly lay down his life for the other. John let's Rodney bitch about his scientists, knows that Rodney needs that. He doesn't try to change Rodney, he loves him for who he is. He'd never try to stuff Rodney in a pretty tissue box to display on his mantle. 
Rodney supports John when the days are extra bad, when there has been one to many senseless deaths. He doesn't demean or belittle John when he needs to cry, instead he offers his strong shoulder and a warm pair of arms. 
They understand each other. They just get one another on a level that no one else could ever hope to reach. They're perfect together, made for one another. John and Rodney's relationship is what every good relationship should strive to be.

5. Who's your favorite, John or Rodney (or both)? How come? both, but for different reasons. I love John for his strength and unwavering loyalty to both Rodney and everyone under his command, military or civilian. I love Rodney for his snarkiness and his loyalty for John. Behind that harsh exterior is a kind, gentle, loving man who had been mistreated entirely too much in his life... Before John. 
And I love them both for their undying love for each other.

6. Where can people find more of your work (McShep or otherwise)? my live journal

7. Pick a piece/story of yours that stands out for you. Give us links and tell us why! probably my favorite story I have written is Long Distance Call. It depicts just how much John and Rodney need one another. How their lives have been leading up to each other. And just how much power their love holds over everything, including nature and fate.

8. Finish this sentence: John and Rodney walk into a bar... to begin the celebration of the first night of their legal marriage! (the next sentence would begin the super hot honey moon sex scene!)

9. What question do you wish we'd asked? do you all want to pitch in to raise enough money to buy the rights to Stargate so we can make
The Further Adventures of John and Rodney, two men in love.

Please feel free to ask more questions. I'll answer them when I can. (I need to track this post so I can get an email with replies lol)
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