Rustler interview

Aug 07, 2011 21:05

Ack, so sorry I missed my date! I was having connection problems and then had to go out of town. Better late than never? :g:

1. What was your first fandom?
I got my start in Due South back in 1999. Wow, that sounds like a long time ago now, heh. I had no idea what "fandom" was at that time, but I guess I've been a fan all my life. I was watching Due South in syndication, and I checked out the Usenet discussion groups for it, as I did for a couple of other shows I watched at the time, but for whatever reason, Due South was the one that led me to a fanfiction archive. I found the nascent Fraser/Kowalski crew, and I was hooked for good!

2. How did you get into writing fanfic/creating fanart?
At first I just read, kind of slack-jawed, honestly. Back in '99 there was not the kind of established fandom online community we have today. It definitely felt like more of an underground thing, especially slash. So I read and read and read and then, when I was feeling daring, I sent feedback to a couple of authors I admired and wound up in lovely conversations with them. Emboldened, I joined a couple of mailing lists, and dusted off fiction writing "skills" that hadn't been employed since my school days. :g:

3. Is SGA your main squeeze, or are you poly-fandom-ous?
SGA is definitely my main squeeze these days and for the past several years. I'm serially monogamous -- with Yuletide one-nighters and I still run the Oz holiday exchange and usually wind up writing for that once a year, as I still love the fandom and want to see it continue.

4. What makes John and Rodney such an inspiring couple for you?
I do love the way they enable/complete/compliment (depending on the scenario! :g:) each other's skills and abilities and strengths and weaknesses. I love stories about "ordinary" people fighting extraordinary odds.

5. Who's your favorite, John or Rodney (or both)? How come?
Oh, I'm pretty up front about John being the character of my heart, although I've come to have a huge amount of affection for Rodney over the years. :-)

6. Where can people find more of your work (McShep or otherwise)?
At my LJ rustler or at A03 

7. Pick a piece/story of yours that stands out for you. Give us links and tell us why!
My longest and most popular story is probably Standard Deviations  -- it has the most developed plot. I'm a very time strapped writer so most of my stuff is short, haha, and this one I took more time with. :-)

8. Finish this sentence: John and Rodney walk into a bar...
And spark a stand-off when Rodney notices an odd architectural feature of the building and starts asking questions...

9. What question do you wish we'd asked?
I haven't had the chance to read other interviews, so I'm sure someone has already asked but.. what's your favorite story trope?
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