I'm super-excited about holding the real-live hardcover copy of
TRANSCENDENCE in my sweaty palms! Here it is, along with
two more novels coming out from Hadley Rille Books in short order, FINDER by Terri-Lynne DeFino and THE NORTHERN QUEEN by Kim Vandervort:
The release party will be held at Jayhawk Ink (second floor in the KU student union) this Friday, Nov. 5, from 4:00pm - 5:30pm, then party at my place afterward from then until late! Come celebrate the release of my debut novel. Should be a blast!
PS: Some folks have asked about ordering the book if they can't make it to the book release. No problem; in fact, you can still pre-order
directly from the publisher at a tidy discount (with free shipping). Amazon and other fine bookstores will have it in stock starting Friday, and the Kindle edition (among other ebook formats) will be available soon.