Book release party this Friday!

Nov 03, 2010 20:13

I'm super-excited about holding the real-live hardcover copy of TRANSCENDENCE in my sweaty palms! Here it is, along with two more novels coming out from Hadley Rille Books in short order, FINDER by Terri-Lynne DeFino and THE NORTHERN QUEEN by Kim Vandervort:

The release party will be held at Jayhawk Ink (second floor in the KU student union) this Friday, Nov. 5, from 4:00pm - 5:30pm, then party at my place afterward from then until late! Come celebrate the release of my debut novel. Should be a blast!

PS: Some folks have asked about ordering the book if they can't make it to the book release. No problem; in fact, you can still pre-order directly from the publisher at a tidy discount (with free shipping). Amazon and other fine bookstores will have it in stock starting Friday, and the Kindle edition (among other ebook formats) will be available soon.


transcendence, life

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