outfoxed (g) fairy tale au by cesare almostnever

Feb 19, 2009 04:04

Title: Outfoxed
Author: Cesare (almostnever)
Pairing: John/Rodney
Ratings/Warnings: Work-safe, nothing here but a little fairy-tale gruesomeness.
Word count: 10,000+
Notes: Thanks to anatsuno for betaing!
Summary: Fairy tale AU, based on The Golden Bird.
"I guess it makes sense you'd be magical," John said, enjoying the Fox's exasperated growl and annoyed muttering ( Read more... )

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Comments 85

danceswithgary February 19 2009, 17:19:09 UTC
Enjoyed this thoroughly!


almostnever February 19 2009, 21:49:29 UTC
Thank you!


hestia_lacey February 19 2009, 17:49:38 UTC
I haven't even read this yet (won't have time until the toddling sibling is sleeping), but I saw the summary and it made me smile so very much: this is one of my favourite fairy tales from when I was little and I am so looking forward to seeing done Mcshep style!


lilyfarfalla February 19 2009, 18:21:52 UTC
This is so perfect and lovely! Rodney is an excellent know-it-all, long-suffering fox, and John is a perfectly ditzy hero. It's a really excellent integration of SGA and the fairy tale, and I love how you had John refuse Rodney's request at first, how he couldn't stand to hurt Rodney.


almostnever February 19 2009, 21:50:50 UTC
The hero's refusal to kill the fox at first request is in the original story, and it's one of the things that made me imagine John and Rodney in those roles. Thank you! :-)


lilyfarfalla February 20 2009, 17:41:33 UTC
Oh, I'd totally forgotten that. But as you found, the whole genre of fairy tales with the talking animal friend whom the hero loves totally like a friend loves another friend is ridiculously perfect for these boys. I do love how their own voices come through in this story too.


almostnever February 20 2009, 20:57:41 UTC
the talking animal friend whom the hero loves totally like a friend loves another friend is ridiculously perfect for these boys

Heeee! You can say that again. :D


darkhavens February 19 2009, 18:24:02 UTC
Oh, that was wonderful! Foxdom suits Rodney very well, and being an extra above and beyond 'an heir and a spare' fitted John very nicely too. *g*


almostnever February 19 2009, 21:58:13 UTC
Thank you very much! Glad you enjoyed. :-)


grammarwoman February 19 2009, 18:56:01 UTC
Bravo! *grin* This is executed so nicely. I love your adaptation, and your voices for John and Rodney, and the tie-ins of the other characters.

They really fit into any AU, don't they?


almostnever February 19 2009, 21:59:22 UTC
They do seem to! Glad you liked it, thanks for commenting!


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