Title: I Bet Angel Never Had To Deal With This Shit
bluejbirdRating: PG, I guess
Summary: After a trip offworld John undergoes some changes…and it takes Rodney some time to notice. Featuring Undead!John and numerous bad vampire clichés.
A/N: Originally written as a comment!fic for the awesome
rain_dances, who also came up with the title.
Sheppard was leaning against the wall outside Rodney's door... )
Comments 31
And like I said, the steak part is my favorite.
“Steak!” he exclaimed suddenly, whirling around. The Colonel was against the far wall now, eyes wide.
”W-what?” Sheppard stammered. “What do you-“
I can't believe you actually used my title. I feel so honored!
And your title is awesome. As you can see in the comments below, people like the title best of all! *hugs*
This...I don't usually read vampire fics in fandoms that don't actually have vampires, because...it's weird. I admit it was the title that did me in, because I was such an avid Buffy and Angel fan and my curiosity was tweaked. I do love this. XD It's hilarious and Atlantis is so the best place to be a vampire, because there are so many blood donors there.
Personally, I am so not surprised that it was some woman on the goth planet. lol Thanks, this was great.
I don't usually write vampire fics in fandoms that don't have vampires, but a comment rain_dances made in a post ended up in this thing being written. Glad you enjoyed it!
And your icon is the cutest thing ever.
Great fic!
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