maybe I will feel better if I make a plan/list

Aug 16, 2009 08:09

I haven't done a to do list in a while, so maybe that's what's got me out of sorts... That plus the fact that it's 8AM and already almost 80 degrees in my apartment. Supposedly only 71 degrees outside. Fans are going and they don' t seem to be doing much good.  I don't like to have the A/C on 24/7, but I had to sleep with it last night, but shut if ( Read more... )

banal rant

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Comments 12

path124 August 16 2009, 14:18:23 UTC
A walk taking photos - sounds like a great way to start a day :)

Oh, speaking of sport....some baseball team - grey outfits with navy blue on it, were playing and they showed a guy being put on the red cross cart and being taken away. Who was that and is he ok? We were watching the digital channels on the front computer today when P set it up for me. The computer has a tv card in it which actually works, unlike the old computer which had a card put in and didn't work too well. This one gets digital tv and was showing the baseball game from America. Anyhow, I thought I'd ask you and follow it up, because you seem like you know a bit about sport :) LOL!

Turn on the a/c when you need it, no matter how annoying it is. I'm a huge fan of feeling comfortable in your own home when it's hot outside (or like it is here - cold outside).

Enjoy your day...I'm heading off to bed now - night *hugs*


mcgook August 16 2009, 23:22:16 UTC
That was David Wright from the Mets - not my team but the other team in NY. He's got a concussion ( was hit in the head/helmet) and the whole team is hurt - or just about all of them. How funny that the one game you happened to see was of a NY team!

I took so many pics this morning, just for the joy if it. It was good. Rest of the day was lazy in the A/c. Didn't get much else on the list done, though I did eat! LOL!


path124 August 18 2009, 04:16:25 UTC
It was rather ironic that I saw a NY team game on tv, for the few moments that it was on :)

Ok, so how do you choose if you are a Yankees supporter or a Mets supporter. I guess we'd have the same problem here - with football as we have two big teams which are in the national league with the other states. BUT we don't really follow football and I'll definitely never have to make the choice - LOL!

I look forward to seeing some of those photos. Taking photos just for the joy of it is the best way to take them :) One day soon I'm going to take photos while I go for my walk. I'm waiting to go with another mum from school, as it'll be a slower walk and I can truly appreciate the things I pass. The other day the pelicans were sitting on the posts at the edge of the river and I so wished I had my camera :(


mcgook August 18 2009, 10:47:59 UTC
Sports loyalty is often passed down from generation to generation. Or from your partner, or whoever you are watching the first time you fall in love with the game. The Yankees and Mets play in different cities in NY, so a different demographic, to an extent. The Giants and Jets play in the same stadium though.

Definitely take pics while you are walking. And OH! I definitely know about wishing I had my camera at certain times. I know some people have their cameras with them all the time (and I don't mean camera phones, though I guess that would work in a pinch). Won't it be hard for you to walk with someone else and take pics at the same time? There are times I want to do that, but I feel awkward doing it. I prefer taking pics by myself. Maybe because none of my friends are into photography though...


tjoel2 August 16 2009, 16:49:58 UTC
It's warming up again here too but at least we don't have the humidity. We went to Family Fun Day at Big Trees State Park yesterday. They have all kinds of activities at the park for kids like arts and crafts, reptiles the kids can touch and tours of the fire trucks. We went last year too.

I think today we may end up at the pool. Kudos on you for sticking with the swimming. That's awesome!


mcgook August 16 2009, 23:25:47 UTC
The Family Day sounds great! I have thought about going to some of those,even though I don't have kids. I'd probably be run out though! LOL!

It's 7:30 and still 87 degrees here - I stayed inside all day except for my morning walk. The next couple of days are all going to be in the 90's too. ARGH. I wish I could go to an outdoor pool!

I'm pleased with the swimming so far. Might as well do something constructive since I'm still waking up at 6AM! But seriously, I am pleased that I am making a little progress every time out. Slow, but progress nonetheless.


tjoel2 August 22 2009, 02:03:57 UTC
We had fun at Family Day! My dad went with us. I still haven't uploaded the photos from my digital camera. *sigh*

Why on earth are you up at 6am?!


den_lace August 17 2009, 12:10:19 UTC
Such good list ideas and most of them are interesting, says to myself "must write an interesting things to do list like Terry". I love the idea of pink and silver nails, you are so lucky, mine are in the growing stage again!

OMG, mildew and musty house smells are the pits, the make me ill but not as much as the smell there is when one has just cooked fish, grr ..:)


mcgook August 17 2009, 12:42:03 UTC
hahaha, notice that I haven't crossed anything off this list though? Well, I did go for a walk and took lots of pics, so that was good. Did nothing else, really. It was a LAZY weekend.

My nails ended up pink and pearly white (it's actually a SUPER pale, pearl lavender, but looks more white) and MUCH shorter than I intended! LOL! Oh well.

Mildew smells make me ill as well. I got rid of it from the A/C, thank goodness. Especially as the next several days are going to be HOT HOT HOT and the A/C will be on almost 24/7. I don't mind cooked fish smells (probably because I always use garlic too and I love that smell!), but I do try to get rid of it as quickly as possible. It gets bad fast!


jacq22 August 18 2009, 10:58:48 UTC
Hope you enjoyed the walk and that was worthwhile, because of the pics....

Yes mildew is not good, the spores.... yukky...

Like the sound of pink and lilac white nails... cute.

Love the smell of garlic and heat, reminds me of eating by the harbour in Spain, grilled fish, and wine.... Although I look forward to summer heat, I know there will be days when its way too much! last year it hit Feb, just before the fires came. which is over 110 isn't it? Anyway as we got out of the car that day it was like we stepped into a blast furnace, just the strength of the sun burned our legs as it hit them. It was a scary day all round... The hot wind dried you out like an old leaf... But I still love Summer, I am a quarter Irish and mad!


mcgook August 18 2009, 11:06:51 UTC
I remember when y'all had that weather before the fires. It was scary just reading about it!

I don't think being a quarter Irish has anything to do with you being mad! LMAO! Unless it's because you shold have MORE Irish in you to be saner. >:*}

I still have to sort through the 93 pics I took. Gonna take forever, but it should be fun. I hope I have some I can use, but mostly I enjoy the process. I tell you though, when I take pics, I REALLY wish I could paint. Because the camera has limitations and some of the scenes just BEGGED to be painted!


tjoel2 August 22 2009, 02:06:44 UTC
I've felt that blast furnace type heat! The weekend we moved to Vegas was the hottest they had on record. We stopped at a gas station in the middle of the desert and didn't realize how hot it actually was since we had the air conditioner in the car on. It was 120 degrees. When I stepped out of the car it literally sucked the air right out of you. ICKY


(The comment has been removed)

mcgook August 19 2009, 22:33:34 UTC
This list was an utter failure - but I didn't really set a time frame on it, so I at least know what I WANT to get done! LOL!


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