Hi, all! Here's the Official Announcement Post of Awesome. Complete with guidelines and such. Come play along!
McFassy Film AU Fest: Some Guidelines and Deadlines
What You Can Do: Fic! Art! Fanvids! Whatever creative loveliness you want to contribute! Imagine James and Michael in your favorite romantic comedy…or drama…or action film…or steampunk Western! Enjoy yourself.
Guidelines: fic, art, videos, whatever creative expression you feel like contributing-no minimum word count or any of that, as we want this to remain fun! Please do, however, at least vaguely follow/use/adapt the plot of one of the suggested films; that is the point of the Film AU, after all! (You can have the boys either actually being the main characters, or being cast in the roles of the film-up to you.)
Also, this is a McFassy Fest, so James and Michael should be your main characters, or at least play large roles in an ensemble cast. Please do use any applicable warnings for content-if you’re not sure whether warnings are required, ask us!
Open Prompt Post: the Prompt Post will go up later tonight, with a list of the suggested films we have so far-please add your suggestions in the comments! On Tuesday, December 4, we will make a post collecting all the suggestions up to that point-you can continue to add ideas, of course, if inspiration strikes after that! That’s just the day we’ll be officially posting the list.
Sign-Up Post: we want this to be informal and as relaxed as possible-after all, we’re doing this for fun!-and so the sign-up post is really just a way for us to know how many people are joining in, and what prompts they may be working on. There’s no sign-up deadline-if you have a brilliant idea the day before the tentative deadline, but you’ve not signed up, go ahead and toss your name in there and post your work! This is also why it’s a sign-up post, not a claims post: again, less formal, and multiple fills are completely fine. And you can always suggest a prompt that you would like to fill, of course!
Multiple Fills: multiple fills for the same film suggestion are perfectly fine-after all, the story or artwork that you produce will never be quite the same as someone else’s. Multiple fills in the other sense-if you feel like writing or making art for more than one prompt-are of course just fine, too!
Completed Works: no penalties for being late, or anything, but we will be making a post collecting links to all completed works around the end of March, probably Tuesday the 26th, unless extensions become necessary. If you’re not done, no worries! Just let us know when you are.
Posting Works: you can post directly to the comm, or provide links to your work in comments to any of our Prompt or Reminder posts. (We’ll try to do reminder posts every week or so.) If you’re posting to the comm, use the shiny tag (feature: mcfassy au film fest)! It helps us keep track.
To Summarize: Prompt Post open for suggestions later tonight; collected list of prompts to be posted here on December 4; completed works hopefully by March 26, unless extensions become necessary. Now go make things!
Questions? Message us! (And by us we mean
luninosity or
telperion_15.) Or comment here.