Passion; Richard/Nicci (a LOTS Mini Big Bang Alt | One Long Fic)

Mar 27, 2011 05:25

Title/Prompt: Passion
Team: Richard
Pairing: Richard / Nicci
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4565
Disclaimers: I do not own them, just borrowing for the purposes of my twisted creative mind.
Authors Notes: Written for the Mini Big Bang Alt over at legendland. Combined two long fics of 2000+ words to make ONE long fic of over 4000 words. (I hate how this turned out.)

Nicci breathed deeply, trying to calm her racing heart as she padded down the empty corridor of the People’s Palace. With everyone currently making arrangements and otherwise engaged, the Sorceress knew this was the perfect time to seek out the Seeker. She needed to talk to Richard, alone. The thought of being with him, in his luxurious suite, did nothing to ease the butterflies fluttering around in the pit of her stomach. They hadn’t spoken that much since everything that had happened with the Keeper and Darken Rahl. There hadn’t been much time what with Richard taking the throne and all the preparations they’d had to make to restore the Empire. It had been such a long time since then, and yet it had taken so much longer to rebuild everything.
Richard had taught everyone the meaning of life so there were no moans or groans about the work that had needed to be done. Everyone smiled happily, happy to be alive as they rebuilt their world. It gave Nicci a sense of purpose, that she too had a life to live, a life she wanted to live with him. Ever since she’d been bound to Kahlan, they seemed to have forged a bond. Something that connected them. Nicci knew Richard hadn’t held it against her, he’d forgiven her long ago for her indiscretion and foolishness. He was just that kind of man.

The blond smiled brightly at the thought of him, her heart beat quickening as she came upon the large door to his room. It was late, she knew he would be here. She knew, because she could feel his presence on the other side of the door. No doubt he was either stargazing or coming up with a brilliant speech for the morrow. He was always so prepared, even when he wasn’t. It astounded her. As she lifted her hand to knock, her body suddenly froze. What if he disapproved of her? What if he didn’t want her, rejected her? She didn’t know if she could bare another rejection from the man she loved so deeply, she often wept with the need for him. The need to just know that he was hers, and that she could spend the rest of eternity in his strong arms. For as long as she had lived, Nicci had never known love. Compassion had all but been ripped from her only to be replaced with a bitter taste for life. But Richard had changed all that. He’d given her a new reason to go on, a new reason to savor each and every day.

Sucking in another deep gulp of air, Nicci pushed back the nauseous feelings, her hand connecting with the wood in a resounding three knocks. The few seconds spent waiting felt like years to her.

“Nicci?” Richard’s chocolaty brown eyes were staring into her own before she’d had a chance to catch her breath. He opened the door all the way for her, motioning her inside with a quizzical expression. “Everything alright?”

“Yes, Richard, everything’s fine, I just,” Nicci stopped short as she walked by, her body tensing when she heard the door click shut behind her. Without pausing in her step, she walked out onto the balcony, reveling in the fresh air against her now burning cheeks. Spirits, she hadn’t thought about a topic to lead up to what she wanted, she’d only come to tell him she loved him.

“Nicci?” But as he stood next to her now, body turned towards hers, concern etched across his handsome face, she couldn’t form a coherent sentence even if she wanted to. And so, she focused on the obvious, hoping to relieve some of the anxiety.

“It’s a beautiful night.” Her voice was hesitant, and she could see him staring at her from the corner of her eye. He seemed to appraise her for a moment before he, too, turned towards the land his room looked over. Richard was thankful the palace had such a view from behind.

“Yes, we haven’t had much a chance to enjoy them lately.” Leaning his forearms forth on the stone railing, there was a quiet contemplation before he gazed back up at the sky. “I was just admiring the stars when I heard your knock.”

Nicci didn’t need to look at him to know he wore a grin.

“I’m sorry if I disturbed you with such important matters.” She teased, bracing her hands on the railing and laughing softly. She heard the rumbling chuckle come from him; deep and manly, and it made her blush to think about the chest such a laugh came from.

“So what is it you came to talk to me about?”

“What makes you think I wanted to talk to you?”

“Your room is clear on the other side of the palace, and you were the one who knocked on my door.”

Nicci chided herself mentally, you’d think I would learn not to inquire the Seeker of Truth.

Silence passed between them, leaving room for a gentle breeze which caused her to shiver from its cold bite. Up until now, she hadn’t thought about her attire. Dressed in no more than her black night gown and a velvety silver robe, the air was ten times as chilly. Richard seemed to notice her shudder and turned towards her. It was then she took in his own wardrobe.

The man looked dastardly in his Lord Rahl outfit; a fitting sleeveless red shirt with gold lacing and symbols threaded into, and black pants. The materials were made from heavy cloth, the finest in all the Midlands and D‘Hara combined. Such simplicity made all the discrepancy. Nicci’s mouth went dry when she noticed his shirt hung open. How was she to survive this night without being pressed to such perfection? Nicci had never been the bashful type. There wasn’t a man who could turn her nerves against her until Richard. The Sorceress, for as much power as she had, could not bring herself to meet the Seeker’s eyes.

“Are you sure you’re alright?” This time, he’d gotten closer, and a big masculine hand now lay upon her shoulder. Biting back the sigh she wanted to release, Nicci couldn’t help but think that only two layers of very thin cloth separated her bare flesh from his touch.

“I am fine, Richard.”

“No, you’re not.”

Nicci’s breath hitched suddenly. Richard took a step towards her, and he was close, so very close now. There seemed to be mere inches between them, his hand now squeezing her bicep gently, thumb thrumming back and forth. She felt a chill run through her entire body, her head was spinning with their proximity. Nicci dared not look him in the eye just yet, she did not trust herself. Instead, she focused on the golden embroidery on his shirt. Such fine lacing it was, she thought, if only she and Richard could thread themselves together like that. Heat flared through her at the thought, but this time, she could not pull away. She didn’t want to.

For Richard, it was difficult to keep a straight face. He knew why she was here, had wondered when she would come to him. Over the past few months, the Seeker had spent countless hours with the Sorceress. She had been a confidant, his sole touchstone. The succession of the throne which he took, Richard gave more credit to her for she had been the most helpful. Sisters of the Light were wise for their age, and quite capable and fortunate for the spell that had been placed upon the Palace of the Prophets. Not only could they spend otherwise precious time to read, but they could use that knowledge without having to be hindered by old age. Yet, for all the wit this woman had about her, she stood before him now, tongue tied. It was amusing in a way, and painful in another. This was a whole new side to the Sorceress, one he’d only gotten glimpses of.

Finally, after several minutes of quiet contemplation had passed her by, Nicci met Richard’s intense gaze that so often took her breath away. Her heart rose into her throat, but she pushed it down so that she could speak.

“I believe it is obvious why I am here. Spirits, even the blind can see it, Richard.” Heart pounding, Nicci sucked in a deep breath which made her lower lip quiver. “I would do anything for you, Richard. Anything, even if it meant giving up my life. My very soul is yours to do as you please with. If you’re not happy, then how can I possibly be? You’ve taught me to see the beauty in life, that even for someone like me, it is possible to change. I’ve thought a lot about what you said to me. About how it is my choice to do what I want with my life and I can’t think of anything more I want than to be… to be right here with you.”

Taking another breath, Nicci tried to calm herself, but with every word came a stronger urge. She honestly did not know what she would do if this man refused her. If he did not feel the same. It felt as if her life depended on his reaction. It hurt so much to think about what would happen if he did not care for her in the same way she did for him.

In the middle of her panic, Nicci had not noticed Richard’s movement until she felt his big hand lifting her chin, pulling her eyes to his. She could do nothing but surrender to him, blue eyes ghosting over with tears. The warmth in his brown eyes coerced a single tear to fall, making its way ever so slowly down her cheek. Her eyes closed then, he was going to tell her that he did not feel the same. He was going to be so kind with his words that it would only intensify the pain she would feel. Why had she come here this night? Things would not be the same now.

But then he did something the Sorceress did not expect.

His thumb wiped away the tear, swiping the drop from her face before gliding the pad back across her cheek bone. Through the blurry haze she could see a smile form on his face, that beautiful smile he had which made her weak in the knees.

Richard said nothing, far too touched by her devotion to him. Instead, he cupped her cheek in his hand, ready to pull her in for an answering kiss when he saw the tear make its way down her cheek. He knew she was in love with him, if he had any doubts before that she simply wanted to spend a night in his bed, such were vanished now. This woman held a big heart, one that had been taken advantage of. She was a victim, and she had treated herself like a villain. Her suffering became apparent, he couldn’t take it anymore.

“I don’t think I could’ve made it any more obvious myself.” He spoke, wrapping a strong arm around Nicci’s waist. The shock that registered in her eyes as if she had been the blind one all along was not lost on him, but he was already committed to his course of action. There was no time to think or breathe, Richard pressed his lips against hers so passionately, she had to gasp for a breath in the middle. Her body went up in flames, the desire bursting forth. Everything that she had held back she gave to him. It was like a dam had been broken, all of the pent up emotion pouring out and neither wanted to stop it.

A soft moan came from Nicci’s parted lips as she tried to take in some air before diving back in to reclaim Richard’s mouth. The Seeker dove for the opening, and their tongues danced in a way Nicci had always dreamed of their bodies doing. She felt both of his arms encircling her, felt his hard body pressed against her in such a way, she thought she might melt from the intense heat flaring throughout her body and flushing across her skin. Her arms reached up to entwine around his neck, pulling him hopelessly closer as he was doing to her. The ache that often settled between her legs when she was with him, or simply in her room wishing he were there with her, began to come alive once more. The steady pulse between her thighs making her chest grow tight, the warmth pooling in her belly a sign that this was going to get out of hand. The last thing she wanted was for Richard to think that she only wanted his bed. Of course she wanted that, too, but that wasn’t the whole point of coming to his bed chambers. Not that she hadn’t hoped it would lead there.

Oxygen, or a lack of it rather, broke them apart. It seemed the night had gotten suddenly quite warm for them both. Richard hovered close to this woman, his breath licking against her lips as his head pressed down against her own. They were both winded but the look of relief and love mixed with an intense desire for him in her gaze appealed to the Seeker’s more primal needs. Spirits only knew that the two of them had been dancing around each other, the sexual tension had been palpable. His hands slid lower down her back, resting just above the fleshy swell of her ass. Nicci, too, could see his desire for her in his eyes. The fact that he wanted her in that way swelled her heart, but what really made her catch her breath was the fact that Richard had not begun to ravage her as most would.

No, this was one of the many things she loved about this man. He respected women. Despite being a man, she noticed that he had no interest in engaging in sexual relations with anyone whom he did not love. She’d seen countless women throw themselves at him, hoping for a chance to bed the Lord Rahl, the Seeker, the man who saved the world.

Never once did he accept an offer. Nicci always wondered why.

“You don’t need to hold back, Richard.” Realizing that this night was indeed going to go the way she had dreamed for so long, Nicci decided it was best if she took the upper hand. Richard was the type who needed encouragement.

Taking a step away from him, Nicci let the silver robe fall from her shoulders. She watched Richard’s expression, the way his eyes grew darker, remaining on hers before falling to the now visible curves of her body. The dress was form-fitting, hugging the hourglass figure she had. The neckline plunged, giving a generous view of her ample bosom. The Seeker stood staring, breathing through his partially open mouth now. Nicci looked so beautiful here in the moonlight. He could only imagine how much beautiful she would look if her nightgown were instead laying discarded on the floor. It took all the restraint that he had not to devour her here and now.

With one barrier down, the Sorceress held her ground. The wind blew softly against her hot flesh, she suppressed a shiver from the way that Richard was looking at her. How she wished he would put his mouth where his eyes traveled. Such thoughts made her anxious, she wet her lips in hopes that he would get the hint.

He did and quickly closed to space between them. As his mouth crashed back into hers, Nicci gasped and moaned, the two of them fumbling backwards until she felt her back hit the cold hard stone wall. It was hardly noticeable, what with his form pressed tightly against her front. Richard had long since abandoned her lips and was now tracing a line down her throat. Her hands were busy gripping his growing tresses, arching her neck back as far as she could. His hands were everywhere on her, skating along her sides, probing her breasts, stroking her thighs. She was at a loss for words, let alone breath, as he felt what had always been his.

Without warning, his hand found the slit of her dress, darting beneath it. He slowly traced the expanse of exposed skin, pleased by Nicci’s reactions as she parted her legs and moaned for him to continue. If he stopped now, she would kill him, he was sure. There was no need to rush this, however, so he avoided the place she wanted to be touched the most and instead hooked his palm around the back of her thigh. His other hand moved to do the same, and hoisted her up. Her legs instantly locked around his waist, desperate to feel him moving between them.

The Sorceress let out a surprised gasp as his hips ground into her own. The delicious bulge a sweet friction where she desired him most. Nicci could feel her Han singing along her skin, it was incredible how this man aroused such a reaction from her. How neither of them had removed any clothes, yet she was feeling particularly feverish. Moaning as he thrust against her more, she felt the hard rock of the wall behind her, the only thing keeping her upright aside from his achingly beautiful body. Another flood of wetness rushed through her at the thought of what that body would look like stretched bare over her. The image of him between her legs, merging his hips with her own had her panting for more.

“Richard…” she breathed in a plea, his hands gripping tighter to her thighs, “Dear Spirits, please…”

His lips curled into a smile against her neck, and he purposefully panted along her tasteful skin until he reached her ear. She struggled not to take over, but this wasn’t about domination. She wanted to feel like a woman, just once. She wanted the pleasure that came with submission to a man who cared for her.

“Patience,” he chuckled, his breath hot against her ear as he took the lobe between his lips and lightly nibbled. His intentions were clear then. He was going to take his time, there was nothing she could do to speed this up. To feel him inside her. The anticipation was building, coiling her tightly. If he didn’t do something about it soon, she feared her Han might burst from her.

“If we’re going to do this, it’ll not be out here, against a cold hard wall.” He spoke roughly, as if he too could not take the wait. Nicci’s arms tightened around his neck at this. He was willing to stay his own pleasure for hers. That was just the kind of man he was, she supposed.

Everything was forgotten as Richard slid his hands down her thighs, finding her perfectly rounded ass. Squeezing the globes, she let out a tiny squeal, both of them laughing slightly with how ridiculous this all seemed. Richard stumbled into his bedroom, trying desperately to get them anywhere near to the bed as she held his face to hers, suckling on his tongue. He tasted too good, she wanted her fill, and by the spirits this night, she would have it. Every night from this moment forth would be theirs to share. Nicci felt the passion in her chest like a blossoming flower, and Richard was the rays of light which sustained it’s life. He was the sun, the moon, the air she breathed.

Letting her drop slowly to the floor, the mood changed from lusting desperation to unadulterated passion. On command of his Han, the room darkened. Every light slowly dimming to nothing, amply echoing what was left of the walls that she had once drawn up around her heart. Guarding it for so long only to bare it to this man, this gift from the Heavens. As silence fell upon them, both parties tuned themselves into the blood rushing through their veins, focusing intently one the others breathing, not wanting to miss a sound that was made.

Nicci didn’t think as she reached up, brushing his bangs away from his dark brown eyes. They held flecks of gold which was oddly fitting for his character. Her fingers tentatively traced the front open flaps of his shirt, ghosting over the bare skin beneath. Her breath held itself in her chest as she slid her hands beneath the fabric, pressing palms flat against his muscular body. Releasing a shaky breath, Nicci moved her hands up to his shoulders, caressing his skin as she pushed his shirt off his shoulders and down his arms until it landed with a soft thud against the floor.

Richard watched as her eyes strayed from his, moving down to his chest. He closed his eyes, sighing softly at her touch, allowing her to explore him. She seemed content to rake her nails over the hills and valleys of his muscles, pressing her hands against him in a way that sent his blood rushing to the throbbing arousal. Her hands gripped his belt, giving a tug which drew a groan from him. His hands reached out to run up and down her arms, his eyes dipping from hers to the provided cleavage. Feeling the belt buckle release, the Seeker took his cue and thumbed the straps of her dress. Hooking his thumbs under the thin piece which kept her modesty, he slid it off her shoulders, tracing his finger tips down her arms until the offending material was nothing but a pile on the floor.

A cool breeze wafted in from the open terrace doors, singing songs over her skin. It was time his lips did the same, and by the look in his eyes, he thought so too. Richard settled his hands on her hips, gripping them as he lifted her and set her back on the bed. Nicci marveled at how this man was so strong, so very powerful, yet his touch was as gentle as the wind this night. Scooting back towards the top of the bed, Nicci gazed into Richard’s eyes as he followed, the bed indenting as his weight came over her. Meeting the pillows, her blond hair pooled upon them, and she willingly parted her legs, inviting Richard between. And who was he to pass up such a tempting offer? His hands pressed into the mattress on either side of her, her hands clutched his forearms. Richard had gone still over her, his eyes raking along her nude form.

Flawless. The spirits had truly wanted this woman to be the epitome of perfection. From the blond hair that framed her beautiful face, to her blue eyes which held the ethereal glow of a night wisp in the moonlight. From her lips, down the generous expanse of her luscious neck, to her plush breasts and flat stomach. Richard’s mouth watered as he came to gaze upon her femininity which glistened from her arousal. Steeling his eyes there for a few moments longer, he continued mapping out her body, dragging his eyes down her long legs.

“Spirits, Nicci…” he was truly at a loss for words, his entire body begged for him to be buried deep within her velvety sheath. So transfixed was he, that he didn’t even realize his own movements until his lips were pressed to the skin of her inner right thigh. His hand curled behind her knee, pulling her leg up as his mouth moved closer to her womanhood.

Nicci’s heart pounded in her chest, his lips were doing a number to her body, she could barely maintain her breathing. He was so close, so - so close to where she desired him the most. There was slight disappointment when he avoided the spot completely, his mouth and tongue instead gliding up her stomach now. She couldn’t really say she was disappointed, though, not with the way he was setting her on fire. How every touch made her feel as if she were floating. As he found her breasts, she let out a small cry. His tongue swirled around her nipples, teeth tugging on the hard buds lightly. Her hands gathered in his hair, gripping as she arched against him, vying for his attention elsewhere.

Everything blended together blissfully, Nicci was aware of nothing and everything and when he finally shed his pants, he lay over her, staring intently into her eyes. Braced on a single hand beside her, his other traced from her brow to her chin, and he was staring at her with such love, she couldn’t function properly. His hands had worked her body as if he were sculpting her himself. His mouth had followed their path, he kissed every single scar she had, leaving her without words to communicate how amazed she was.

No man had ever treated her so gently. No man had ever put her pleasure first. Richard was different than all the others. He did not seek to harm, nor did he forsake her feelings. He was not selfish, and it was evident by the hot iron that lay against her thigh that he had stayed himself for as long as he could which was long enough.

So moved was she by his compassion, tears sprang to her eyes. This was real. Richard Rahl was here with her, she was in his bed, and they were about to make love. He was going to love her as no other ever had. Spirits, she had never known passion. She wanted to experience it, she was experiencing it.

The genuine concern that reflected off his eyes broke the dam, the tears falling from her eyes as she reached up to cup his face. She was smiling, so he waited.

“Love is a passion for life,” she pulled him down, whispering against his lips, “shared with another person.” The passion behind her kiss surprised him at first, but his eyes slid shut seconds later, feeling her body envelope him as he legs lifted to lock around his waist. Reaching down, he lined their bodies up, and slid into her slowly. The kiss broke, Nicci’s eyes were half open as she stared up at him. Her inner muscles were fluttering, her entire body arched up into him, helping him to slide deeper. Her gasp was louder than his groan, and both simultaneously let out sighs as he found himself sheathed to the hilt within her. Brown eyes met blue, and the dance begun. Richard kept his pace slow as he thrust in and out, in and out. Nicci’s mouth never closed, her moans were music left to fill the air.

Nothing could describe this connection she now had with Richard. It was physical. It was spiritual. It was beautiful. It was passion.

Feeling him drive deeper with each thrust inside her, she never wanted him to leave her body. She felt nothing but pure, unadulterated pleasure. And when the crescendo came, Nicci saw nothing but stars.

Hours later when the sun was beginning to grace the world with its warmth, Richard and Nicci lay panting, their limbs entwined. This was what love was like, she was never going to let it go.

fanfiction, rating: nc17, tv: legend of the seeker

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