Week #43: Shounen

Aug 07, 2010 18:50

Okay, another very general theme!

Theme: Shounen Animanga
Your icon must features the main character(s) from a Shounen genre animanga. Be sure to check MAL or wiki

• Members may submit up to 3 icons.
• Icons must meet LJ requirements (100x100 max, 40KB max, PNG, JPG or GIF)
• You may only use official images, no fanart/doujinshi/cosplay images are alowed.
• You are not allowed to advertise your icon(s) until the winners have been announced.
• Please submit in the following format :

Character/Series: Lelouch/Code Geass
Community icon by lunareuphoria

Submissions ends on Sunday, 13th of August at 09.00PM(UTC+7)

week 43, submission

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