Suggestion & FAQs

Jul 01, 2009 21:12

Hello! This is where you can suggest themes, images or lyrics to be used for the upcoming weeks, but please note that your suggestions might not necessarily be used (If we feel it is too complicated or too difficult and such). We'd be very happy if you leave any suggestion in improving our community.

Also, any questions can be post here and I will reply to you a.s.a.p :)

1. Is "..." a main character?
ANSWER : I may not know all anime, manga and games out there, I try my best to answer but if I'm not so sure, go ahead google it or check it over at wikipedia.

2. If I want to submit more than 1 icon, should it be in seperate comments or all in 1?
ANSWER : It is better if all of them in one single comment, because it helps us in organizing the voting onwards, but if you'd like to submit more on the other day, do it, we will still accept them in seperate comment :)

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*suggestion, *faqs

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