Theme: The Five Elements
Yes, I want you to icon that represents at least one of the five elements. You're free to choose the elements of
Wu Xing (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood) or
Godai (Earth, Fire, Air, Water, Sky). You're free to use textures/brushes to represent the elements.
• Main characters of an anime/manga/video game are the only subjects allowed to be iconed, unless otherwise stated
• Members may submit up to 3 icons.
• Icons must meet LJ requirements (100x100 max, 40KB max, PNG, JPG or GIF)
• You may only use official images, no fanart/doujinshi/cosplay images are alowed.
• You are not allowed to advertise your icon(s) until the winners have been announced.
• Please submit in the following format : Niwa Daisuke/D.N. Angel
Element: Sky
Community icon by
rashiea Submission ends on Sunday, 9th January at 09.00PM(UTC+7)