Praying for a cure

Oct 03, 2009 12:14

Someone once told me that cancer may be the disease that mankind will never be able to cure. Maybe that's true, but that's not going to stop me from praying and hoping that one day there will be a cure ( Read more... )

cancer, inspirational

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Comments 6

allbottledup October 3 2009, 20:53:07 UTC


mbeancntr October 4 2009, 13:16:42 UTC
*hugs you back*


betray802 October 3 2009, 21:05:30 UTC
I saw a breast cancer T-shirt: I Walk Because I Cannot Run Away


For me, the biggest fear is bone cancer, and 30 years of repressed rage at the dumbass doctors who told my Grandma Pauline she had "a pinched nerve," for four months, and that "it's perfectly normal for a woman your age." She was 56, I was five.

Music of the Moment: Love In The First Degree by Alabama


mbeancntr October 4 2009, 13:20:09 UTC
*hugs you back* I like some of the t-shirts I see around.

Cancer is just so scary and so many times incurable. It's just not right. I watched my dad suffer and die from lung cancer, not caused by smoking. Do you think I want to go to the doctor? Heck no. A few years ago they tested me to see if I had bladder cancer. Thankfully that was just the kidney stones. Yeah, I was happy about that bit of news.

Maybe one day...

btw: Love that Alabama song.


gracefulshrimp October 8 2009, 01:44:54 UTC
me too.

i cant wait until after the fair to show you pictures of what i am doing. i am really excited, and i think you will too.

*super hugs*


mbeancntr October 8 2009, 17:02:48 UTC
I can't wait to see what you're working on. *smiles*


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