May 14, 2008 00:24

002: Lip cream
The liquids in the status chambers are full of nutrients to sustain the host but they are not skin friendly, which is why Steve goes through several tubes of chap-stick rapidly and continuously.

003: Photograph
After months of pestering everyone, they finally agreed to take a group picture so Sherry could carry it around with her but now she has a problem: she can only take one and between the photo of her parents and the one of her new family, she can’t decide.

004: Plaster (Bandaid)
Sherry does not need band-aids but she likes the glow in the dark ones and uses them anyway--even though the wound heals within an hour of infliction.

006: Blue
Wesker thought he was thinking a few steps ahead by giving Steven and Sherry’s rooms different themes, and was totally floored when they both whined about wanting their rooms to be painted blue.

007: A group of shooting stars/falling stars
When Wesker invited Ada to watch the meteor shower, she was pleasantly surprised-until she stepped outside and found Steve, Sherry, Wesker and HUNK on the training trampoline the kids had hauled outside just for the event.

008: Ball game
Wesker can’t say he’s a fan of sports (although he was excellent on his high school baseball team), but he finds himself slightly put off that Steve asked HUNK to watch the World Series with him instead.

009: King
“King me,” Sherry says shyly but still with a bit of smugness, and Wesker wishes he didn’t let her win so much when she was little.

010: Burn
Every time the Organization sends Ada new requests and reports, she burns them; partly because shredding isn’t good enough and partly because she wants to forget she was ever against Wesker.

011: Trouble maker
As focused a HUNK is, he seems to find no trouble at all within distracting Steven or Sherry or both, much to Ada’s mild amusement and Wesker growing irritation.

012: Vacuum cleaner
The only reason the compound acquired the cleaning staff it has now is because when Ada says pick your shit up off the floor or she’s not responsible for what the vacuum picks up, she means it, and Sherry was devastated when Barbie lost all her shoes.

013: Kiss
Sherry’s hiding out in her room trying not too panic because while Wesker had been asleep on his couch, she’d snuck over and gave him a quick peck on the lips but when Ada later asked her where Wesker was and she said sleeping, Ada scoffed, “Wesker doesn’t sleep; he just lays down with his eyes closed.”

014: Muscular training
Steve thought he’d show off by hanging upside down to do his crunches, but now he’s paying for it and totally understands why HUNK and Ada were laughing at him.

015: Young leaves mark
Steve and Sherry are screwing around the pool, talking about how cool it’ll be to see Claire again and as HUNK wonders, “Were we ever that young?” Ada can’t say for sure.

016: I Can't.
Sherry’s trying not to cry and Steve just isn’t watching as HUNK looms over Claire, wanting to help, but not wanting to help, can but can’t, would but won’t.

018: Straight/Perm
Little, little, little know fact about Ada Wong: her hair is actually very curly (she gets it from her mother) and she goes to great pains to keep it straight.

019: Rest one's head on a person's lap
Wesker took what comfort he could from Ada’s cool fingers as she ran them through his hair trying to soothe him, but those pictures of Alfred and Vincent were burned into his mind.

020: Contract
When the second contract expired, Wesker waited almost four months before calling her for a resign, and she hated him for making her wait so long and hated herself even more for waiting at all.

021: Quiz
Steve groans before falling forward onto the top of his desk and glaring at Sherry over his folded arms: she aced another test and his paper is full of red marks.

022: Emotion
Wesker’s not know for his emotions, but something stirs in his chest when Sherry succeeds at anything, anything at all, much like the something that did very much the same whenever William made some kind of advancement.

023: Castle in the sky
Sherry says the front steps of the above ground portion of the compound could lead up to a castle in the sky; Ada says they’re a stairway to heaven in the winter: you flip, you fall, you die.

024: Hay fever
Steve is miserable in bed, much like Sherry was when she first left the tube; for whatever reason, the immune system is shot for the first forty-eight hours and Wesker cannot figure out how he forgot something like that.

025: Pierce
Sherry asks to get her tongue pierced and Wesker closes the door in her face.

026: Body fat
Sherry’s really toned out and even though muscle weighs more than fat, all she understands is “I’ve gained weight,” which lead to a very awkward pause when Ada walked into the exam room and found an uncomfortable looking Wesker and a sobbing, nearly naked Sherry.

027: Soap bubbles
Sherry and Steve should both be reading up on certain calcium mutations, but it’s so much more interesting to watch HUNK do dishes when the dishwasher isn’t up to code.

028: Secret
Sherry was terribly disappointed when she awoke and Wesker told her he had the pink vest Claire gave her thrown away, but the truth is he doesn’t like the idea of a piece of denim making her more happy than anything he could possibly say or do.

029: Thing left behind
What did they leave behind-pffft, what didn’t they.

030: Blood
When most people’s blood hits oxygen it turns red, but Steve’s burst into flames and that is fucking awesome.

031: Glasses
When Sherry asks Wesker if he wears sunglasses all the time because they’re prescription, and why doesn’t he just get a pair of regular spekkies, Ada and HUNK almost trip over each other twice trying to get out of the room before they start laughing.

032: Homemade
Sherry and Steve are on a strict diet that they break all the time because HUNK likes to bake, and who says no to strawberry cupcakes?

033: Punishment
Wesker doesn’t want anyone else to be like him not so much because he doesn’t want anyone else to be special, but because he doesn’t want anyone to be punished like this.

039: Playing House
There’s a room with a fireplace that occasionally has all of them in it at the same time, and the atmosphere is cozy and the feeling is safe, and Ada wonders if this is what it would be like everyday if she’d actually left with Leon.

041: The falling of cherry blossoms
After visiting an investor in Kyoto, Ada had left the window open, and as Wesker’s rhythm picked up, so did the breeze, white sakura drifting over them.

042: Wing
Sherry and Steve both have tremendous abilities, but Wesker’s careful to clip their wings and keep them from getting too far.

043: Tactician
For Wesker to pull what he could from the rubble and rebuild Umbrella into what it’s becoming today makes him goddamn brilliant.

044: Coffee
Ada won’t talk to you, get dressed, do her make up, acknowledge the world before her morning cup.

047: Individual Lesson
Sherry will never be William, no matter how badly Wesker wants her to be.

061: Shyness
Ada and Wesker had fucked on numerous occasions, but two years ago, it melted into making love, which lead to a couple of months of sex back underneath the covers with the lights off.

064: Rejection
Sherry is crying against Wesker, pulling on his arm, but he ignores her, shooting Claire in between the eyes.

065: Calendar
Punctuality, scheduling, it’s all very important to Wesker, and that’s why he and HUNK work in sync.

067: Childhood Friend
While Wesker was Sherry’s best friend while growing up, she’s all that’s left of his.

068: Smile
Sherry inherited her father’s smile, and Wesker doesn’t know how he feels about that.

069: Umbrella
Steve and Sherry don’t really know what Wesker’s Umbrella will be like, but they do know that it’s going to be different from what it was before and that’s good enough for them.

070: Ice
Even though his eyes aren’t blue anymore, Wesker’s eyes can be incredible cold.

071: Mark
Even though it’s not there anymore, Steve can still see the mark on his chest where Alexia’s tentacle whipped him, just like Ada sees the claw marks on her torso and Wesker can trace the steam burn from Antarctica.

072: Women's bathing suit
They’re going on vacation to a Greece beach, but Wesker’s favourite colour is actually green and Sherry doesn’t wear green well, oh how she’s supposed to get his attention now?

074: Afro
Wesker only agreed to let the children do whatever they wanted with their hair after they glued large, rainbow afro wigs to their heads (he’s still trying to figure out where the fuck they got those).

075: Oath
Sherry swears with everything she has that she’ll be forever loyal to Wesker-it’s the least she can do.

076: Magic
HUNK remembers the old Wesker, the Wesker of five years ago and can’t name another possible source for his change in attitude other than faeries, maybe leprechauns.

077: Trick
When Steve finds an unguarded plate of brownies, he’s sure to keep his distance because something is up.

078: Mercy
Steve’s only alive today because Wesker decided it’d be easier to let the T-Alexia culture in him than to extract it.

079: China dress
Sherry and Steve assume that Ada has some fancier Chinese stuff ‘cause of her heritage, but really she just buys stuff she thinks is pretty-if it happens to be Chinese, oh well.

080: Can be either "nut," "fruit," or "berry"
Steve knows lots of different terms in which he can refer to his gentiles.

081: Contact lens
Since Wesker can’t walk around with his real eyes out, he has contacts-one blue pair and another brown, only he never wears the blue pair anymore because when he looks in the mirror, it’s just not the same.

082: "Why?"
In a burst of courage Sherry warps her around Wesker’s neck and kisses him, but he doesn't stop her and the question tumbles out of her mouth in honest surprise.

085: Hero
Steve knows that he owes everything to Wesker, but HUNK is like, so ultimate, you know?

086: Holiday
Even though it obviously isn’t a place that welcomes God, Sherry and Steve continue to expect presents on December twenty-fifth.

094: Good-bye
When Ada wondered about her death, she always placed herself in some kind of building and alone-not on the desert rocks, Wesker holding her hand as the world fades to into the blue his eyes used to be.

096: Sunlight
In November 1998 it was hard to imagine Ada and Wesker’s futures would have too much to do with each other-five years down the line, they were married in the desert, in the sunshine.

099: Voice
Even though Sherry couldn’t move or see when she was in the tube, she could still hear when Wesker wished her goodnight.
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