SHORT FIC - Knighton Vespers

May 31, 2011 16:46

Title: Knighton Vespers
Author: Nettlestone Nell
Word Count: 1155
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Marian, Allan, Robin, Lambert, Gisborne, Much, Little John; Marian/Robin, Marian/Gisborne
Spoilers/Warnings: Through credits on "A Thing or Two About Loyalty" (1x09).
Summary: The evening after Lambert's ledger is 'burned' by Robin, the outlaws' ( Read more... )

marian/robin, rating: g, author: nettlestonenell, marian/guy, fic, drama

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Comments 11

novindalf May 31 2011, 21:44:55 UTC
Gosh, superb idea! I really like how you write Marian's 'voice' in her internal thoughts. And the last line in particular was brilliant =)


nettlestonenell June 14 2011, 23:03:04 UTC
Thank you for reading! And taking time to review.
Glad you liked the idea of it, and anytime someone tells me I am able to think/write like Marian I *of course* take it as the highest of compliments.
So, thanks!


glorious_clio May 31 2011, 22:37:31 UTC
Hmmmm very interesting.

I like the end, the refocusing on her faith (and attempting to pray for Guy's soul - it's very "her").



nettlestonenell June 14 2011, 23:04:39 UTC
I thought you might like Devout!Marian. ;) (Ok, so 'devout' might be a little extreme). But Marian within a historical context of Catholicism and faith.


jammeke June 1 2011, 17:53:47 UTC
Oooh, such a nice idea for a story and you executed it so well. I love that you kept everyone sympathetic in this -- Allan and Much as well, even though they spoke ill of Lambert. I agree with the others above me that the last line is beautiful. Thanks for sharing!


nettlestonenell June 14 2011, 23:07:12 UTC
I'm so glad you felt that Allan and Much retained being sympathetic. I just imagine everyone in the gang tends to sit around the campfire after a big to-do and handicaps the day, and the choices they all made.
You are welcome for me sharing, and thanks for posting that you liked the last line!


ladykate63 June 2 2011, 08:11:42 UTC
So lovely. :) Marian's thoughts about Guy are spot-on (I especially like that she wonders if he will let her down as he did Lambert). I do think her reasoning is slightly flawed in that she forgets that if he had gone through with her plan, he would have been in pretty serious trouble since the real plan was for Robin to intercept him and grab Lambert, and then Guy would have to explain to the Sheriff why he had gone behind his back and had no positive results to show for it. I always thought, because of this, that her outrage over him letting her down was slightly hypocritical. But that's very Marian too. (Well, and also, she was working to save an innocent man.) Love the Lambert backstory, and Marian's defense of him to Much and Allan (also very typical that Allan sees the situation in terms of "he was an idiot" rather than "he was wrong").

The only line that didn't ring true to me was:

"If you speak so again, Allan," Marian uncharacteristically threatened, her temper on a hair-trigger, "you shall have my blade to answer to." ( ... )


nettlestonenell June 14 2011, 23:22:20 UTC
As ever, LadyKate, thank you for your insightful and complete review. As an author yourself I know you must know how much such reviews are appreciated, and morale-boosting. :)
To be truthful, I always see Marian as someone who would like Guy to take that risk (even if he did it unknowingly), that he would face such trouble in order to do the right thing.
That his doing the right thing would, even, carrying him through whatever trouble the Sheriff shot at him.
I think her standards are overly high, even unattainable (Robin and others of the outlaws have their own, similar failings--Will).
Glad you liked Lambert's backstory (though I think there may have been more between he and Marian, he's very familiar w/ here in the opening scene).
And saying that I have written Allan 'typically', a compliment I shall hold close to my heart. (Which actually is not there any longer because he has officially stolen it) ;)


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nettlestonenell June 14 2011, 23:08:21 UTC
Thank you for your input! It's nice to meet you, sunnyday30, and hope to see you around again!


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