The Day of the Doorknobs

Feb 11, 2004 11:42

I had an... interesting day today.

First, I found This Image on College (Warning... iky banner adds on that site.)

I e-mailed those responsible... they confermed my suspicions that those are indeed RPI directories... and that is indeed Barton Hall... I showed my co-workers at Network and Telecom, and though I was sure they'd be furios with the misuse of the diretory they all worked so hard on, they thought it was the funniest thing ever, and want to give the fellows responsible a pat on the back... apparently it makes a good argument for why they shouldn't have to publish it again...

And Mary brought in melty mints. Yum...

And the Library Cafe had Cream of Mushroom for Lunch. Double Yum...

And then this dude called up, and scared the shizznat out of me... he was upset because somone called him on his Cell Phone From our Campus... and like... embarrased him... and he said he was gonna come down with a baseball bat and "start f***ing kicking all kinds of ass." But then he told Mary, (Cause I put her on cause I were scared) that he thought it were ME... and that he was comming by at 3 and beat people up... well that's to much info and Mary said he was just blowing it out his buttox.

He never Showed...

I'm wathing Crank Yankers more diligantly now, to see if I got Yanked...

Wouldn't that be NEAT?

And then I went down to print out my project, and when I came back up somethign Dreadfull had happend to the Doorknob... it had fallen off... apparenly it wasn't the only one... the other doorknob, the one downstiars, had also fallen off...

So to recap: College Humor Has Our Directories, Melty Mints, and Cream of Mushroom Soup, Bat Threat by Phone...

And then the Dorknobs Fell off....

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